
Sunday 7 May 2017


Conservative Jeremy Hunt has been challenged over uses using food banks in the UK.

"The Royal College of Nursing has previously stated that some nurses had resorted to using food banks in order to eat. Jeremy Hunt said that nurses are paid more than the national average, though he added: "but is that enough?" He added: "Many people would say that they should be paid more".

As far as I am concerned, our British nurses have never been paid enough. That was true in the 70's, and it is still true today. Not only that but over 300,000 health care workers were put on zero hour contracts in 2013. How do they expect our health care workers to live on that, that's the equivalent of causal labour. That's what it used to be called casual labour. Don't even get me started on the privatisation of the NHS.

Some London journalists are denying that the NHS is being privatised, that tells us that those journalists haven't had to go and use the service. For if they did they would quickly discover how much of the NHS has already been privatised.

For instance, if you have to have an MRI scan, you soon discover that is a private contractor.

Do you require physiotherapy? That is a private contractor.

Do you get sent information for a breast scan? That is a private contractor.

Did you go for podiatry? That is a private contractor.

Shall I go on?

Who owns the new GP clinics? A private contractor!

Back to the food banks, last week in Glasgow, in Scotland,  the food banks were running out of food, and were calling for extra donations.

Is that because of people earning salaries and going to the food banks at the same time?

Did you know that our people pay up to 73% in direct and in direct taxes? How can anyone live on what is left? People cannot afford to live on what they're receiving, as salaries have not increased in real terms since the late 80s', at the same time as the cost of living as soared.

And neither the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats or Labour Party are any better than each other to govern our country. Just look at what they've all co-created together, the career politicians! Are you surprised that there was such a low turn out in the local county council elections? Just 29% of the people bothered to vote! The numeric of 29, = "Grace under pressure".

So they're going to sacrifice our NHS, not on my watch. The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for HESED, he asked for MERCY!

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