
Monday 8 May 2017

West Highland Terrier Dream

I had another dog dream this morning, it was a little Westie.  In dream interpretation as a general rule, to dream of a dog is a good sign as it symbolises friendship. If the dog was friendly and affectionate it can mean pleasure and happy times with friends. Of course dogs are also man's best friend and they are mentioned as healers in the ancient text.

There is a West Highland locally, that has my dad's name and that is what I thought of immediately, when I saw the little joyful white dog in the dream.  I have seen this dog in dreams before.

This breed is originally from Scotland, they are particularly susceptible to skin conditions, so Reiki healing is ideal for these dogs, because Reiki increases the oxygen in the blood, scientifically proven.

They are very active little dogs and they don't like sitting still much, especially when they are out and about. A lap dog, they are not, and they like digging.

A West Highland talking to it's owner. 

At Crufts in 2016, the little West Highland won best in show, very cute. The adorable Westie knew how to win the hearts and minds of the judges.

Dogs have an intense power of healing, although it is important that when you choose a dog, you do it for all of the right reasons. Sometimes you can get a rescue dog and they are fabulous, and sometimes they can rip your home apart. It really depends on the breed, and their original training, dogs that were bred to live on farms, are not the ideal dogs for a different type of home.

In the ancient text Jesus as a discussion with a woman about a dog and at the end of the conversation he decided that she had great faithfulness just like the dog. It is written that he said, "Woman you have great faith! Your request is granted! And her daughter was healed in that moment". Mathew 15:28.


There was also the story of Lazarus and how the dog licked him. The dog definitely licked it with the healing. Healing dogs are such a treasure. If you have been a healer of animals, the animals always have a connection with you. Great love and companionship they do provide, great faithfulness they demonstrate in their daily lives.

As we know the dogs have to be fed and watered, we have to provide for the dogs, my mum loved dogs. When her last dog passed over, Ben, that became her last bereavement.

The story of the mother, the dog and the daughter. As such, seeing a dog in dream state, is a great reminder of the healing that manifested for the daughter with the Jesus blessing. It didn't require a prayer, it just required that the mother spoke the truth to Jesus, and then her daughter gained from it.

The importance of telling the healer the truth, and in so doing, you are being faithfully loyal, living in faithfulness and blessings can be given to your children. That reminds me of a young couple that came to see me with their child, they shared the truth with this healer, and in turn they were blessed with healing for their child. Living in integrity is essential, the heart of integrity, living in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law.

This dog reminds me of that child, he was so active, so small, yet so brave, he liked coconut oil very much. He lapped it up and when he felt my healing hands on his left leg, he shouted, "HOT". That was great evidence for the parents that he could feel the heat of the energy passing through me to him.

Interesting that my mother chose the name Ben for her dog, and the West Highland in my locality has dad's name. The RAB (his initials), the Son of Joseph.

My Christian mother-in-law also liked dogs, and she had a dog when I was in her life, she also liked to bake homemade bread. Interesting that the Christian text mentions the crumbs from the bread, that the mother gave to the dog.

Interesting that a member of the Campbell family bred these dogs, known as the "ROSENEATH TERRIER" and that links back to mum's heritage on my gran's side again, the Campbell's clan.


While this mother was feeding the birds with the crusts from the bread, the dogs that were living close ate it - and now they have gone. I like to feed the birds in the wintertime, to make sure that they have enough to eat.

However, that little Westie is still around and is joyful in dream state.

All dog owners have the ability to become healers of dogs. Have you ever lived with a dog, do you have a healing pal? A companion to heal with you, is an ideal companion. So if I was going to choose a dog as a companion, I would choose it with healing in mind, and my very first dog was a poodle, although I also like the Temple dogs.

Whilst having the dream of the white dog, I was also sleeping in my new white healing room, the room that the LORD called, the "Silver Cloud" room.

Previously, in that room Hebrew symbols appeared on the walls energetically.

Silver Cloud is a great name for a Westie, for every cloud has a silver lining, although some also have a gold lining too.

To have a dream of a happy and joyful dog, is a lovely dream and a lovely dream to have on the 8th day.

8th of May, is the "Day of Truth" in numerics.

So do we have a message for the French after the French election?  I think indeed we do.

They have a saying in France, "Langue de chien, langue de medecin".

What else do we have about Lag B'Omer? It is Jewish holiday on the 14th of May.

L has the gematria of 30, and G has the gematria of 3. Two of the initials of my mother's maiden name. In the middle ages, this holiday was celebrated as "Scholars Day", by the students.

In this link on Lag B'Omer, it mentions the hair cutting, and my mother would've loved to have become a hairdresser, if her mother had allowed her to be.

I can see the link with mum's initials and what she loved to do, hairstyling. Maybe my gran could've recommended cutting dogs hair instead, I think she would've loved working with the dogs. Funny how it came to manifest with yours truly, as I use to cut the hair of our rescue dog. Our old English sheepdog loved having her hair cut off when the weather changed.

So this week is a good week to have your hair done and be pampered. You deserve it.

In May 2006, after mum passed over, (2005) I was sent to Israel. Fascinating how it all worked out, it was because of an advance on a small inheritance that I could afford to go. Cosmic, how it was divinely planned for yours truly and the Israeli's.

As Jesus the Jew said to yours truly, "Never forget who you are". 

What else is happening between now and the 14th?

The Milk Moon.

And I like goats milk, excellent for the back!

1 comment:

  1. So what else do we have on the West Highland? One of the rebel media film makers and reporters has a Scottish surname. ROBERTSON is a Scottish clan.
