
Sunday 7 May 2017

£400M Owed To The UK

UKIP's Education Spokesperson, David Kurten AM, has spoken out against the fact that EU students owe the UK £400M.

He said, "The scandal of EU students taking student loans from the British taxpayer and returning home without paying has gone on for years. It has been known for some time that 25% of EU students do not pay back a penny of their student loans, and no-one from consecutive incompetent governments has done anything about it. The scale of this scandal has now been revealed at over £400 million. UKIP have been saying for years that all students who are foreign nationals, including those from the EU, should pay their own University fees up front if they are studying in Britain. This is common sense".

It's not just common sense David, it's good housekeeping. Who would allow anyone to come and live with them without that person making a contribution to their upkeep? In this case, foreign students have made no contribution to their education in our country.


As such, why should we educate any of them, when the UK cannot afford to educate their own. There isn't even enough university places for the amount of British children that would like to join a university. I heard about one degree course where there were over 800 applicants on a degree course for 30-35 people. Then how many of those places went to foreign students that didn't pay for their courses?

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