
Saturday 6 May 2017

29% of the Electorate Voted

29% of the electorate voting in the council elections is a very low turn out, politicians should be very concerned by the lack of interest in voting in the election.

Nigel Farage has been sharing on Radio 4, with his responses to the council elections and other questions asked during the broadcast.  Nigel Farage is pleased with himself and that UKIP has managed to transform British politics to obtain BREXIT, and the fact that the Conservatives have followed the UKIP.

Nigel Farage is happy, he's not under any pressure to perform now is he? He's still an employed MEP until such time as we finally leave the EU.

The numeric of 29 is "grace under pressure" in numerics. The other MP's especially the Labour MP's are particularly under pressure, as many of them could be out of a job after the next election on the 8th of June. The panel on Radio 4 have referred to Theresa May, as a "bloody difficult woman".

Nigel says that if Theresa May does the same job as she did when she was home secretary, that would be incredible for UKIP in the election afterwards in 2022. UKIP are clearly in for the long haul.

Remember this that when Theresa May was home secretary, she did nothing about immigration, or closing the borders. Neither has she done anything about it since she became the PM.

Labour support free movement, and they also support further immigration. When Labour talk about free movement, they don't mean just to have free movement to travel, they mean for nations to have free movement to live in the UK, at a time when our historic towns and cities are overpopulated. The infrastructure of the UK was not built to accommodate multiculturalism, or mass immigration.

The indigenous British people like our green pastures, our countryside, and our farming community.

Our people do not wish for the countryside to be covered in housing, concrete and more infrastructure to house even more people from other countries. Our people that live in the countryside, in the green pastures are fully aware of the importance of oxygen, and the trees that help to provide it.

The less trees there are - the less natural habitat there is for the eco-system, the less trees there are, the less oxygen there is, the more serious health conditions it co-creates. One of the reasons that people choose to live in the countryside - is because it is a more healthy environment to live in. There is more fresh air in the countryside than there is in any town or city.

In the radio 4 question time, they all praise Prince Philip, who has retired from public office, due to his support of Elizabeth. One of the panel also made a joke about Nigel Farage speaking kindly of an immigrant as most people are aware that Philip has a Greek heritage.



singing Je T'aime

Now everyone awaits the outcome of the next election in France. Of course, Nigel supports Marine Le Pen, another MEP that is now the presidential candidate in France. The formidable Marine Le Pen, best wishes to you and France.

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