
Saturday 8 April 2017


Uranus in Aries began in 2011, and comes to completion in 2018, a seven year cycle and it impacts on each natal sign differently. My natal sun sign being Aquarius it signified a great pouring out of my Spirit upon the rams. For the children my love poured out, my heart and Spirit poured out. 

For the power of the healing work of Jesus that elevates in magnanimous love, for he that was always true to yours truly. For him, I gave my life, and now my life comes back in a different way to the way that it was before. The trees around me were pruned last week, and that is always a positive sign of new growth that is coming when more sunshine can be enjoyed. 

Einstein gave a lovely quote in reference to the pruning. "People love chopping wood, in this activity one immediately sees results". 

I was shown that lavender is important for inside the home, so yesterday, I gained my lavender, my aroma's, mint and also real rosemary. Beautiful aromatics for refreshing and restoring my home with its leaves that are for healing the nations. Every room is being aromatised with the most lovely fragrance of the aroma's. My home is being transformed, as the artist moves forward with restoring the beauty of the possibilities, an artists home. 

When people come to my home, they're usually surprised to see the paintings, it's made me appreciate the impact that a painter has upon the view of the observer. I suppose its unusual to walk into a person's home and see art and paintings, a creative home. 


January 2017 

New aromatic flowers that bring the new life of green and lavender flowers. The leaves for healing the nations with the aroma's that clear the air. A time of clearing the air. 

Life in every leaf, and my food intake includes many leaves too, fresh spinach, watercress, coriander, dill and chives. I have asparagus, celery and leeks, simply beautiful, the healing foods and the power of its positive intention. Creative cooking is wonderful and so healthy for you, when you know what nutrients that you require for different health conditions. Elijah, the healer and restorer. 

If you look at the impact of Uranus in Aries, then you look at the work of specific people, you can see how accurate it is. So for instance Professor Jordan Peterson (Canada) is a Gemini, and it was only when he saw that he had a million views on youtube that he began to take it much more seriously. Gemini's have incredible brain power, especially for remembering facts and figures. 

Then if you cross-reference that with Uranus in Aries and the impact upon Gemini it fits perfectly. Donald John Trump also has a Gemini sun natal sign. Then take a look at the impact on the Libra natal sun sign and it fits perfectly too with the work that Milo Yiannopoulos has been involved in. 

For the Aquarian sun natal it mentions the new port, and it was in 2011 that I changed locations on the internet, absolutely accurate. It mentions the uniqueness of the Aquarian water carriers work, you may like to look at the impact of it in your life. How accurate has it been for you in recent years? 


Scriptures share with you that the deeds of the Fathers impact upon the next 3-4 generations, and Professor Peterson supports the view that one of the job's of a dad, is to bring out and develop the best qualities and strengths in their children.

No coincidence then that my dad was an Aries and music has always been an important aspect of my life, our home was filled with music and singing in different genres, and especially romantic music. He also liked gardening, and aromatic flowers and shrubs. He liked his lavender, rosemary and mint growing in his garden. So many positive messages in everything that he did, even the aroma's, he even gave my mother a dog to defend her, hold her, and cuddle her. The dog that was her closest companion after he passed over. He made sure that his wife had everything to keep her safe, including financial security.

Interesting that there has been a new scientific discovery announced, in relation to the brain. The scientists have discovered that experiences are recorded twice by the brain. One for short term memory, and the other for long term memory. Wisdom proven correct again.

So what wonderful memories do you have on the era of the Uranus in Aries timespan? 

Did you experience a miracle in your life? Were you able to help another person to save their life? Was the "testimony of warning" that you gave people true? How accurate were you about the events that humanity have been experiencing? Are you a healer and a restorer of children, people, groups and nations? Do you do what you can to defend your culture and spiritual inheritance? 

2011, was the year of the Japanese Tsunami, I'm sure many people still remember that. Luke 17 as in like the time of Noah and the impact of the earth changes, ecological, and the testimony of warnings that were given prior to the big ones! 

A lot happened in 2011 didn't it? The year that 444 came to be, and 444 = "Perfected Love". Do you remember the message that Jesus gave us about moving into awesomeness? 

Are you happy with what you have achieved so far? Is your heart happy and joyful? As it is written in the proverbs, a happy heart enhances one's brilliance.

Did you manifest your best qualities during your life and did you pour out those qualities to help others? Were you in the right place in perfect timing? What uniqueness did you bring to the fore in your work, and what has been unique about you, in your individuality of your best qualities?

Do you appreciate your best qualities, and offer those best qualities to help others when required? Do you step up, when others step down? Are you there to carry another person through a rough patch in their lives? How did you help?

Do you live on a level path, for the level path is a righteous path. Interesting that a neighbour shared with yours truly that she had been given a spirit level in dream state, true, a spirit level that is symbolic of the builder to make sure everything is level and straight.

Today is the grand national in the UK, and Last Samuri is racing. So a documentary on life working in the yard. Do you understand animals? How the horses like to race, and how they like to go to work and have a job? Do you know that they even have past life memories?

Have you saddled up and tacked up during your life? Did your children have an interest in horses or other animals? Maybe I inherited my interest in horses from my grandmother Sarah, she loved to pick out the race horses and horse racing.



I used to enjoy getting up early in the morning to work at the stables, even the mucking out. When children have compassion and mercy for animals, it shows you that interest can be developed, and in so doing, bring forth their best qualities and natural talents.

Working at a stable yard, develops their interest in work, keeps the children fit, and healthy, appreciation of the weight and strength of the horse. Working with animals can be so rewarding. I was about eight years old when I was allowed to work at the yard every weekend, from dawn to sunset. Young, I know, but I so enjoyed it every weekend, just being with the ponies.

After the new millennium began, I remember giving Reiki healing to a horse, with a Shiatsu friend, and it was drifting off to sleep on its hooves due to it being so relaxed. Animals love to receive healing, they lap it up.

What am I looking at today? Feature walls, the artist would like a wall that paintings can be put on, so it looks like a cork wall is going to be the most suitable, although cork is more expensive than paint, so I might have to make it a feature on the wall, instead of the whole wall.

This DIY cork wall is lovely. Take a look if you are creative and interested.

Most cork comes from Portugal and Spain.

Lovely different grains available. Cork wall coverings.

1 comment:

  1. I had two winners today, a winning day. It feels like the holiday as begun already.
