
Friday 7 April 2017


Theresa May as been in Saudi, Abdullah has been to see Trump, almost immediately Syria is "attacked" by America, so what is going on when Trump was so against military intervention during his campaigning for election?

Five years ago, Abdullah visit with Obama, and Obama was intent on removing Assad, with Abdullah and the Arab league. Obama also stood against Israel during his presidency.


A year earlier, in 2011, Abdullah was on British television being interviewed and again he said that the intention of the Arab league was to take out Assad. He even went so far as to say that if he was Assad he would step down, and that Assad had an "expiration date". The Arab league had said that his days were numbered. 


The Russians have confirmed that the Syrian army doesn't have any "chemical weapons", the Syrian government has said that neither the Syrian government or it's army were involved in any "chemical weapon attack". Did Trump even take the time to speak to Assad or Putin about what was going on in Syria? Putin asked for an urgent meeting with Trump, and has now asked for an urgent meeting with the UN. Nigel Farage says he is "confused" by the actions of Trump against Syria. 

As some people have pointed out, it is a repeat performance of what happened in Iraq. What we do know is that the Arab league have been trying to get rid of Christians in the middle east. Do you remember when the last days of the end times began? When the Egyptian Arafat and his men decimated southern Lebanon of its Christians in the mid 70's? 

Look at the historical Judeo-Christian roots in Syria, once upon a time, the ancient city of Palmrya even had a Jewish Queen and Aramean's also lived in Palmyra. Did you know that some of Syrian Aramean Christians have taken refuge in Israel and are asking the UN for recognition of their people? 


Prior to this American "attack" on Syria, churches had re-opened, children had returned to school, people were returning to their homes to restore what they can. The Russians even put on a concert in Palmrya. 

We cannot support President Trump or his actions against Syria and its leader. 

Do you remember what Nostradamus wrote about Islam and how the West would take out seven leaders on behalf of Islam in quick succession? What about the UK arming Saudi and its "attacks" on Yemen, what about what is still going on in Iraq now with America? Did you know that Theresa May has recently returned from Saudi? Yea, Saudi, who receive weapons from the UK, that are used against the people of Yemen. 

When there is a crisis on the planet, why is it that the Muslims are usually involved in it? They were even involved in WW2 against the Jewish people, make sure that you tell the children the truth. 

No coincidence then that Germany's Angela Merkel has continually supported Islam and Islamic economic migration to our countries. As I have written many times, WW2 never ended, it just went underground to rear its head again. Now the EU is threatening Poland and Hungary telling those countries to take the economic migrants or leave the EU. 

Abdullah a year ago was again asking the west to help out with the Syrian migrants, yet, Saudi, hasn't provided any homes for any of the Syrians. Why wasn't he demanding that Saudi and the other Arab league states take the Syrians? I'm sure that you can work that out for yourselves. 

Do you know that there are still people in refugee camps in Lebanon, and they've been there since the six day war against Israel?  What did any of those Arab countries or Muslims countries do about that? 

They've had decades to help those people in Lebanon. I have no time for Abdullah, his dad "murdered 10,000 people" in a single month. Remember what the bible says about the deeds of the fathers that impact upon the next 3-4 generations. 


UNSC the "attack on Syria is a violation of international law".

1 comment:

  1. Coptic Churches bombed in Egypt.

    And there has been another "acid attack" in Islington, North London.
