
Sunday 9 April 2017


NASA's stunning pic of Jupiter, on its closest approach to earth. Jupiter is now most prominent in the night sky right through to the end of September. If you're looking out for Jupiter, the Skywatching columnist at, Joe Rao says that Jupiter glows with a steady, silvery-white light.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so it's a great time for DIY, home improvements and restoration.  

Will you expand your horizons too? Do you have the panoramic view? I can see the lazuli blue in that pic, blue of the heavens and blue of the sea. Heaven and earth, expansion, make sure that you are home for tea, so that you can be free. I don't drink tea, although in the UK, the specific time was tea-time in family homes. Parents would say, make sure you are home for tea, or make sure you're home for dinner. 


What have you had to eat today? I've had some delicious home made soup, and I am going to have an avocado and egg mayonnaise with a salad. I've got some black grapes so I can make a smoothie with a banana. Have you expanded your menus to include food that is healthier for you and any health issues that you may have? 

How will Jupiter energy impact upon your life this summer, what are you expanding? Are you expanding your circle of friends, your social networks? Your family? Are you meeting with new people or reconnecting with people that you already know? Or is it a combination of both? 

Stay strong in your hearts and Spirit, enjoy Karunesh and that which brings you joy in your life. Expand your lives in the area of your lives that brings you the most joy, for as the proverbs share with you, a happy heart enhances one's brilliance. 

What are you transforming in your homes and in your own lives? How happy does your home look to you? How is the energy in your home? Do you have natural aroma's in your home? A lavender tree, some mint, some rosemary? What herbs are you growing in your home?

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