
Monday 20 March 2017



Do you remember the "Old Farmers's Almanac?" Spring 2017 begins with the Spring Equinox, 19/20 of March, depending where you are in the world. The 19th of March is the "Day of Persistence", and the 20th May is the "Day of Labyrinth" in numerics. The following day "Day of Clarity", Spring has sprung on the 21st of March and that was a special person's birthday in my life.

The 3rd month is a powerful month for the Greeks everywhere, as Pythagoras said that three was the perfect number, is that because he knew it was associated with goddess of wisdom? As Jesus said, in March, 2010, "Minerva", I was on a bus at the time, looking at all the swans.

The Greek composer Vangelis also provided us with some wonderful music compositions. I find it interesting that the Lord Rector for the University of Glasgow voting is held at this time, and in 2017, a young man born in Athens is in the running for the position.

I think it is an auspicious time if and when people make the right choices, so what choice will you make today to springboard you forward and what will you leave behind? The ancient Greeks loved their maths, science and sacred geometry, and Plato is an essential in classical literature.

That gay Christian, nominee, Milo Yiannopoulos shared with us that Glasgow University have put a "Trigger Warning", on the bible, we can't have that can we? In all honesty, and integrity, we can't put up with that "nonsense" from those millennials. Did they put a trigger warning on the Qu'ran too? A man tried to ban that book in India legally. Come on brave hearts, arise, defend our historic cultures.

The bible is an incredible alchemical manuscript, for those that have the eyes to see, it's filled with mysticism, and spiritual experiences. The bible is a classic, and includes some amazing revelations, prophecies and spiritual symbology. It also includes many of the initiations that people experience on the rite of passage.

I think that's one of the reasons that Carl Jung was so fascinated by it, now he had an academic brain didn't he, he was amazed by the abilities of those known as the Essenes and they were usually found living close to water in very fertile areas. Our healers of consciousness, like living in nature, in the fields of beauty. Do you live on a field? I do, it's so peaceful.

Are some people really triggered by spirituality and it's content? It makes me laugh when people even trigger over the word "Spiritual", how childish? What has humanity come to when people refuse to have a dialog about a book or a divine experience? Or refuse to heal what has been triggered within, we know when they have triggered, it is so easy to see.

What are they afraid of, it's usually due to a past life memory, it's the same with "phobias", they're usually to do with past lives too.

Jesus told his followers, "Do not be afraid", he certainly lived the Philotimo, I like that Greek word, it reminds me of Italian, it rolls off the tongue, I like Plato too. People have to read some classics in their life, what would life be without some interest in the classics and real books? My dad was self-taught, he read everything, including the classics.

That Aries he soaked up information from books like a sponge and he knew exactly when to squeeze it out, it came out of every pore of him. In the beginning was the word and it was made flesh, he led by example. His actions the living word in action.

This video made me smile, revealing the ram. The Son of Joseph used to say that a "House without books, is like a house without windows", his words carried a testimony of warning. In hindsight, clearly he knew, that one of the things that Islam participants do, is ban books, and anything that is opening up the debate and discussion upon it. Our home always had books, and my home has always had books too, a range of books on different subject matter, and in different genres.


Our classics are an important aspect of our European cultures that true Europeans defend. Southern Europeans and those with a southern European heritage do like to talk, very expressive with their hands too. Did you know that Jewish people have been invited back to Spain and Portugal to live, to reclaim some of their heritage. That's justice isn't it? Mum and Dad loved Spain.

Don't laugh, it only took 500 years, they didn't move very fast did they? You have to be very persistent to get justice done, of course if people behaved themselves in the first place, then justice wouldn't be so imperative would it?

Let the Spirit of Truth be heard, I have a Sag ascendent, so it's a brilliant equinox for yours truly and integrity.  Did you know that after the age of 40 the ascendent sign energies are much more powerful in your life? That's a reason why my long distance travel began after I was 40, my birth chart had it all mapped out.

The power of the spiritual law and what you gives comes back to you 30, 60, and 100 fold. The spiritual law of the givers, philotimo, our rewards are heavenly, as the LORD said, RUACH.

I'm in a nine year in my life cycle, how about you? A year of completion for yours truly and it looks like we shall have BREXIT now, thank goodness for Nigel Farage.


Latest news on BREXIT, breaking news, it's happening on the 29th of March, 2017. The 29th of March is the "Day of Observation".

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