
Monday 20 March 2017


Great news today on this spring equinox, Brexit next week on the 29th. It comes to something when it is cheaper to ship a container to New Zealand than it is to Greece.

March 29th the 'Day of Observation".  

Observation, reminds yours truly of Archangel Michael and that which he taught, we had a truly fabulous time together during the Rev 12 timeline that overlapped with Micah 4 timeline. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008. That is when our first blog was created after the completion of Rev 12.

It's been quite a journey hasn't it?

News is that the Christians are really happy that the Spiritual came to help them, so many Christians have made huge breakthroughs. Come, the Spirit says Come.

Who does that Greek composer remind you of?

Interesting that BREXIT is happening on that composer's birthday, 29th of March, the birthday of Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou, otherwise known professionally as Vangelis. The Greeks do have long names don't they? Fancy writing that name, you'd have to shorten it to EOP or just sign it Papa. Did you know they've named a minor planet after Vangelis? 

He reminds me of the man that was sitting on the throne and there were huge pillars of light standing behind him. Inter-galatic beings of light, giant in size. When I saw him for the first time, I was in a room full of people running a training course. He did tell me who he was, after I asked him if he was God. I laugh now, thinking back to those incredible times and spiritual experiences, absolutely, cosmic times we had together.

I don't think that my eyes could get much bigger by seeing what I've seen. Those days and nights when my mouth would drop open, I was given more and more evidence as each year went by. Until I was totally convinced, and nothing could shift me from what I had seen with my own eyes wide open.

The power of what was delivered to help humanity was immense, the greater the power of love that you have become, the greater are the divine experiences to help you with the next phase of your journey. I can tell you this, the man that I saw sitting on that throne is very bossy, very righteous, and his words were as profound as the words of Jesus.

Like Jesus he is a man of few words, although he gave more instructions than Jesus does. The way that I described him, it's like having a meeting and talking to the operations director of the cosmos, you certainly know that he's in charge and he keeps you on the straight and narrow path when you are led into his presence. As soon as you see him and he speaks to you, you know it is very serious, and you better listen to what he says. 

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