
Sunday 19 March 2017

Lord Rector Glasgow 2017

On the 14th of August, 2016, I had a dream of Milo Yiannopoulos and we were going to a party.

Looking back since that time of the dream and re-reading the interpretation of the dream, we can clearly see that Milo had a lot to overcome after that dream was given. In fact, we both did in different areas of our lives. The dream mentions the LGBT community party and a funeral, and as we know the Greek George Michael passed over recently.

So interesting that I saw the face of Milo today when I woke up. Hence why I am making this blogpost that includes him. This is a lovely song from Ben Rector.

There has been news that Professor Jordan Peterson from Canada, and Milo Yiannopoulos have been nominated for the Lord Rector position at Glasgow University with other nominations. Two of the other nominations have been withdrawn since being nominated.

I think either of these two candidates would make excellent rectors for Glasgow, a university that likes to view itself as a "World Changer".

Jordan Peterson and Milo are certainly having an impact on worldview's. They have different experience to bring to Glasgow so it will be interesting to see who the Scottish vote for.

This is a taste of Peterson and his speech can be 'brutal" at times, I think he should read about "non-violent communication", as communication from the heart is an art. In the beginning was the word, and the word was made flesh. Peterson and I certainly don't agree on what an "Empath" is.

Pick Up Your Suffering And Bear It 

The existing rector is the whistleblower, Edward Snowden and unfortunately he wasn't enabled to visit the campus. Although Milo says that he would be in attendance at least three times a year and would bring other speakers with him. He has also offered to put a man full-time on the job, to ensure that the students have his utmost support and representation on a daily basis. In effect, Milo would have an office in Glasgow.

Scotland could certainly do with some fresh leadership in academia, to springboard freedom of speech and expression in Scotland, and it would be great if our Greek-British journalist, public speaker and entertainer was chosen.

Milo is just back from holiday and refreshed, and ready to go, he's done his first Q&A with the students from Glasgow, and he has outlined his offer to the students. Philotimo Milo, Philotimo.

His next Q&A with the students is on Monday, tomorrow. We should know the results of the vote next week.

Best wishes with the nomination and the launch of your book, I do intend to get a copy and read it.


Milo is very serious about this opportunity, and so he should be. It's a great opportunity to inspire, lead, and represent the views and interests of the students in the best way possible.

It's also another opportunity to show his maturity, experience and expertise in a different capacity.

As the previous tech-editor at Breitbart Media, in charge of the work of a team, he is used to teamwork, project led work creative work, and was instrumental in the soaring success of that new media website reaching a younger and wider audience.

I think you will find that he has spoken at more campuses than any of the other nominees and the Scots do like a brave heart. Brave and courageous he has certainly been, he has also proven that he has the humility to apologise, if and when required, he sailed through the storm of his first saturn return, like a true islander, he was certainly in the eye of the storm and the doors thereof.

He does defend the universal human right of freedom of speech in his own way, and what would humanity be without that fire and passion for truth?

IMHV, Milo is only dangerous to those that try to close him and freedom of speech down, I know in my heart, that he has a gentle and compassionate heart and even those hearts have to be defended. He is self-reflective and that is also an important attribute.


Being born in the sign of Libra gives him the scales of justice and why he likes justice and balance so much, I think his north node is in gemini, the sign of the communicator and that is his divine mission.

To communicate truth in the best way that he knows how. I haven't agreed with Milo on everything, as I know that science are still catching up on many things. I also know what can happen with stats that are turned into facts, and how some don't stand up to academic scrutiny.  He is certainly on an incredible journey, and I think it is a journey that many students like to share with him in this timeline of defending our historic cultures from cultural genocide.

He has my blessing with this opportunity, and I hope that if he wins, he will get to meet some of the lovely Scottish spiritual people that I met in Glasgow over a decade ago. The guys in Glasgow asked for help and my help was given immediately, Glasgow has nominated Milo, and Milo has responded appropriately and in-depth too. Philotimo.

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