
Wednesday 15 March 2017


Following the telephone dream and the numeric of 156 and the fact that the 156 is the English gematria of dog, let's carry on with the dog news.

In this video we have the medical detection dogs. The power of dogs in prevention and the detection of medical conditions. Really important trials are being carried out in the UK. In one of the studies, trained dogs were able to pick up the presence of cancer in urine samples in 93% of cases, absolutely incredible. Another great reason to have a dog, dogs are healthy for you and your life.

Interesting that when I meet dogs when I am on my walk, they tend to jump up and kiss the left side of my face/head, and I have an appointment at the end of April with the ENT department. It will be interesting to see what transpires from that investigation.

This is a fantastic charity, and worthy of grants for its research.


Are you able to communicate with dogs and know how they communicate with you? I like communicating with animals, they are amazing in the way that they communicate, and I was blessed during my life to share my experiences with other people that were interested in hearing about it.

Did you grow up with dogs? Did you have your own pet dog? Did you have an affinity with those animals and a real connection with your dog? When my son was a baby, we had an old English sheepdog, from a rescue home, and she loved him so much, she was incredibly intelligent.

The Science of Smell - University of Sheffield

Cambridge University - How Dogs Can Sniff Out Diabetes 

People who have trained in Reiki healing also know that their pets knew that their energy had changed in vibration after they had attended a two-day healing training course. 

Dogs also positioned themselves where they would like to receive the healing that they knew they could receive. Not only do the pets ask for healing, there was one dog that actually asked to be attuned to Reiki, the dog asked and the dog was given. 

Truly miraculous, dogs and people can help each other. 

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