
Wednesday 15 March 2017


Staying with the lumber project, the spine and supporting structures.

I felt compelled to have some mussels today, I do have them sometimes when I feel that I must have some. However, some scientists have been doing some research on mussels and the power of this food, it is even being given to dogs for their joint health.

In 2013, the Guardian provided an article on this power food and its nutrients, and this recipe also includes saffron that is for eye health.


Although my mussels were cooked in a sauce of butter, garlic, and onions, with some white wine and coconut milk.  I also included some dill and chives, some mushrooms and some asparagus. Absolutely delicious, one pound of mussels in money, provided three large bowls of mussels.

So plenty of nutrients in those three bowls and a great booster for the immune system too. I sense that our muscles also like mussels, I am following my intuition on this one, as my body is very intuitive where food is concerned. What I require and when I require it, unless I am divinely instructed otherwise.

Mussels are loaded with vitamins, and vital minerals, including zinc. They also contain high levels of EPA and DHA fatty acids and the Guardian report claims that the iron content and folic acid is enough to rival red meats.

The thing is that every time that the scientists realise that a particular food is a power food, and helps particular health conditions, they then try to manufacture it in powder form for people to take. They have had some successful results with the green-lipped mussels from New Zealand, although I guarantee it is far better to eat the real thing, as fresh as can be. When you require the mussel boosters.

Seriously, eat for your health, and healthy healing foods. I can guarantee that most people's menus could be improved immensely, absolutely, tailored to the requirements of their bodies and its age. Arthritis UK, have also featured some research on their website on the success of green-lipped mussels, although most of the mussels in the UK are now farmed.


This video is about the mussels that people are giving to their dogs for their joints and my recent telephone dream included the numeric 156, that is also the English gematria for dog. Did you know that we also have dog shapes in our spines?

Telephone dream, with the 156 numeric.

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