
Friday 17 March 2017


There are a lot of manganese posts on the blog, both on specific nutrients of different healing foods that include it, and recipes.

This week I felt intuitively drawn towards the "Black Mustard Seeds" and they are another source of manganese and Vit E that boosts the collagen.

Interesting that Jesus spoke about the mustard seeds in the context of faithfulness, so there you have it, the importance of mustard seeds and your health. The "manganese" was given to yours truly, a divine message of instruction. I do like receiving divine messages especially when they relate to health, it is certainly a major advantage that a mystical healer has in their abilities to convey what they have received to help people with different health conditions.

Interesting that Edgar Cayce also did a lot of work with health solutions and received many messages related to it when he was working with clients too. That is certainly a sign that a mystic is on the right track. When I was first sent to work on the galilee of the gentiles, it was at health exhibitions in the 90's, where people were looking for the solutions to many different ailments.

The verse of the day is from Psalm 23, and it includes "He guides me along the right paths for his namesake".

The Parable Of The Mustard Seed

The smallest seed on earth that grew into the biggest tree where the birds could perch in its branches. When he was alone with his true followers he explained everything, isn't that what spiritual teachers that are healers do?

17th of March, the "Day of Social Involvement". 

And some great news from Africa, a huge 706 carat diamond has been found, more fulfilment of what was foretold for Africa and its prosperity.

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