
Tuesday 21 March 2017


When you go to university you are paying the bill, so would you invest your money, time and effort at a university that closes down freedom of speech?

Glasgow University, and the Union's Vice President. Katrina Denholm is in contravention of human rights law, and the Universal Declaration Article 19 on Freedom of Speech.

Not only did Denholm close down freedom of speech by banning a nominee the facility to communicate with the university on Monday in a livestream, she also stopped due process of the election of the new rector and in so doing democracy.

Glasgow University claim that they are "World Changers" on their website, although the only thing that changed this week was the electoral process for a new rector.

A University of Glasgow Spokesperson said: "The Rector is nominated and elected by students and the University is required to allow due process to provide in accordance with its resolutions. It would not be appropriate of the University to interfere in the democratic process of this election".

Yet, that is exactly what they did do, at the expense of the students. Remember that is the students that pay their wages.

Due to the banning of the livestream with one of the nominees, an article appeared on-line asking if people supported the nominee being reported upon; to express his freedom of speech to the university students.

When I looked at the number of people that had voted yes, on the TAB website, 730 had voted yes for Milo Yiannopoulos to speak and present his case (and offer to the students) in a Q&A session, after the ban had been implemented.

There was only 326 people that said no. The majority had voted for the electoral process to continue as previously arranged. Of course a majority would vote for democracy to continue, that's how elections are carried out in the UK.

Apparently, some people at the Glasgow University are not happy about the democratic election of Donald John Trump, or our BREXIT, so some were intent that Glasgow got the rector that supported that view. The only way that they could do that was to close down another nominee that would share a different viewpoint on BREXIT and Trump if asked. So we can see by the points made by Glasgow University that what they did was politically motivated.

Nicola Sturgeon friends with Angela Merkel, supporting an SNP globalist Pakistani lawyer that has been called out by a judge for the standard of his behaviour in court. If that Muslim man can't behave in court in his professional capacity as a lawyer, what made the students think that he would behave when he was put in charge of representing them?

Katrina Denholm there was no defence for banning that live stream, especially as the university had already accepted the nominations from the students.  In fact, it was imperative that due process was upheld in honour of the students choices. So what does this tell us about Glasgow University, where is their integrity and honour?

Denholm called Milo "deplorable", where have we heard that before? Oh yes, Hilary Clinton, Mr Trump beat her with Milo's help.

There is no democracy at Glasgow University, there is no freedom of speech, or defence of it, in that location, because Katrina Denholm closed it down. Seriously, where's the justice in that when there is a conspiracy on campus?

It reminds me of the "Exeter (German) Conspiracy" against Prince Charles and his support for complimentary medicine. Some people don't agree with Charles, but he still has the human right to express it.

The election of a new rector at Glasgow, is not meant to be a political position is it?

Milo Yiannopoulos was not standing on a political platform, he was standing on a platform promoting freedom of speech that is essential for a healthy dialog in defence of our historic cultures.

Do you remember the story of Plato and Socrates and how some tried to close down that dialog?

The Scottish media, couldn't even get their facts right on Milo, Milo is Greek-British, not American. In fact, his profile says that he was born in Athens. So they banned a Christian, to make sure that their SNP Muslim Pakistani was given the position, you can't get much more bias than that can you?

The Scottish media have written about the challenge, where was the challenge? You banned him, how could there be a challenge if you ban someone from speaking? Milo knew that Aamer Anwar was throwing loads of money at it. Perhaps the media got some too.

All students should be reminded what the UN, Human Rights Universal Declaration, Article 19 actually says. I've spent at least 17 years defending freedom of speech on-line, and standing against the PC Brigade that do their utmost to close it down. That's a lot longer than anyone ever spends at university as a student.

When I was working with families, Article 19,  was one of the first things that I gave them, so that they would know their human rights when they were working with yours truly and afterwards. I hoped that what I had shared with those families, they would hold close to their hearts, and pass the truth onto their children to help them and their futures. Every single student should also be given a copy of it, so that they know their rights as soon as they step onto campus.

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