
Tuesday 21 March 2017


Professor Jordan Peterson found himself in a situation whereby people at the university where he had been invited to speak, had been campaigning against his human right to speak. As such, Jordan Peterson gives his response to the "Coward Professors" that are hiding behind their students.

He says, go ahead, make my day, come and debate me.

I will defend his freedom of speech, and competence to communicate his experience, and views in his articulate way. He's actually trying to make the students stronger in their belief in themselves and their abilities to articulate truth and debate it.

For that he has to be applauded as a professor that deserves our respect. His life experience is huge, and people like him don't come along very often, when they are prepared to put their own life and career on the line for the truth to be conveyed. 

It looks to me like Jordan Peterson has come from the Carl Jung camp, as he is into archetypes. Hence those that oppose him could have a very interesting conversation and debate with him, if they go to his home turf.

One could ask what science is there to back up the philosophy and views of Carl Jung and we know from his own admission that Jung was led by the Spirit.

On the other hand there is the reality of the archetypes, whereby people might resonate with "Cinderella", although they don't take on that name, so why are names and pro-nouns so important to some people, when they are at the age when they are still discovering themselves and learning to navigate life?

Reality doesn't stay the same, just has it didn't stay the same for Cinderella or Carl Jung. Change is the only constant. However, it doesn't always mean that everything changes, but your views and experiences certainly do. Brains are not even fully developed until the age of 25, and most people go to university prior to that. 

Debate can be healthy if people allow themselves to be triggered by that which they don't like. Ever heard the phrase, what you resist, persists?

That's what being triggered is all about, it is an opportunity to show you to seek within to heal what is triggering you. However, if students try to close down that opportunity to heal, how can they ever progress in their own self-development and evolvement?

How can they ever mature emotionally and spiritually, if their intention is to ban books and professors from universities, and not even consider their content? 

Isn't that what Islam did? Remove academics, philosophers, and ban books and have them removed, closing down freedom of speech and everything that could counteract, or open up the dialog about that reality?

Professor Peterson is calling out those professors that are hiding behind women and children that are protesting that which they refuse to engage in a dialog about. 

Who else hid behind women and children? Hezbollah hid behind women and children, when they were firing their missiles upon Israel in 2006. They were hiding the missiles in peoples homes.

Fortunately, many of those missiles didn't fire on landing, as such, there was definitely divine intervention to defend and protect Israel. 

At Glasgow University they've even put a "trigger warning", on the bible, an alchemical manuscript that Carl Jung was fascinated by. Ever read any of what he wrote about Job? 

Jung liked his archetypes didn't he, what a creative man he was, he wasn't just a clever academic brain that did his utmost to comprehend ancient texts to find a consensus of truth in comparative spiritual philosophies. He was an innovator and pioneer in his field of psychology and the study of the soul and its Spirit, in addition to being a prolific writer. 

In this video it features what actually happened at the event last week, and if you fast forward, you will be able to see and hear what Jordan Peterson has to say to students outside of the complex.

I began to watch the filming from when Peterson was outside, speaking to students that have the ears to hear. He spoke a lot of common sense and he does have a lot of student support surrounding him.

Peaceful students that are more interested in learning, than shouting and protesting. The group in the background that were causing the "chaos", were only interested in closing down the alternative views to their own. 

I think those people would be better off going to drama school than an academic university.

Unless they're able to be mature enough to navigate their way through multiple realities of truth that are on offer at campus, including their own. How will it be when they go out into the big wide world, if they can't even or are not even willing to discuss their realties with the professor? 

So McMasters professors, stop hiding behind your students, Peterson is not trying to shut you down, come out and face him in dialog. We know what you are conjuring up on campus and why. Peterson thinks that's OK, let the world see the fruit of your tree and where it has led on that path in history, as a majority of students don't wish to go down that road, because it only leads to "violence" as already proven to be true. 

I remember when some Americans couldn't debate yours truly, what was the outcome of that on a European forum? Death threats! Death threats, that's the state of that Islamic tree. Americans triggered all over the place, interesting that one of the women that was involved in it, said that she had worked in Saudi.

Ex-Breitbart Technology Editor., Milo Yiannopoulos has also had death threats too, and he greatly respects Professor Jordan Peterson and where he is coming from. I feel immensely passionate about this reality, because it also happened to my dad too. He received "death threats". and a lot more through his letter box. So much so, that the post had to be held at the post office because it was arriving in sackfuls. 

It takes a lot of courage to take on those that would like to close down freedom of speech. You have to be consistent, and persistent and have philotimo. You have to stand up to them, and go beyond the chaos of the noise that they co-create, because the louder they shout, the less people are willing to listen to them or able to hear them.

The drama of "Temper tantrums" are not the way to behave at universities, a university is not Hollywood.  Interesting that Jesus understood that reality and so did his true followers, know the difference between theatre, and that which is serious. "Death threats", are very serious indeed.

Do you respond or do you react? If you react when faced with Professor Peterson, you better take my advice and do the work within. If you can respond, then he is willing to listen to what you have to say. So go ahead, make his day and present your truth in the public forum of the university.

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