
Wednesday 22 March 2017

Europe's Historic Mosque Burns In Greece

On the 10th of March, 2017, I felt compelled to post the Greek Supplication and in the odes it mentions Elijah and an area in Greece that is in the news today, Evros.

The timing of it is quite incredible, especially has it happened within 24 hours of the election in Glasgow. The Greeks loved democracy didn't they, although you won't find hardly any of it in Islam.

In fact, some Muslims have campaigned against democracy, as they wish to replace our western democracies with sharia law.

Europe's oldest mosque has gone down in flames in Greece. A fire blazed through the late 14th century Celebi Sultan Mehmed Mosque, also known as the Bayezid Mosque, in the northeastern Greek town of Didymoteicho on Wednesday at dawn.Çelebi_Sultan_Mehmed_Mosque

They have been restoring the ancient building, now it has no roof, it has been burned just has the prophecies foretold would happen at the end of the age. Matthew 13:40.

The 22nd of March, is the "Day of Direct Current", and 22 is a master number of angels, leadership and charity. In Greece charity is included in Philotimo and as the LORD said, RUACH.

Wiki share with us that the city was formerly known as Katharevousa, as Didymoteichon, from didymos "Twin" and teichos, "Wall". Hence, it has a connection with the Apostle Thomas.

The word Katharevousa, reminds yours truly of the word CATHARS. The Greek Katharevousa is translated as "purifying *language*".

The area of Evros has experienced extensive flooding since 1997, and now this fire upon this ancient mosque. Prophet Isaiah also gave prophecies about the fire and water, and how it was essential that they took this to their hearts.

It was in 2010, that Greece also experienced a biblical plague of frogs, just like in the story of Moses.

As it is written in Zechariah 3, the LORD has chosen Jerusalem, and I did receive an inscription engraved. Micah 4 also mentions daughter Jerusalem and the Micah 4 timeline overlapped with Rev 12. After my return from America, Rev 12 was completed in December, 2008. It's been a long journey since then, hasn't it?

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