
Thursday 23 March 2017


On the 24th of February, 2011, I wrote an article and it included the visions that I had been given. I was shown an obelisk that was being smashed on the river Thames, and then the clock of Big Ben at the side of it. Big Ben wasn't being smashed only the obelisk. There is an obelisk on the Thames in London called "Cleopatra's Needle" and this is the one that I saw being smashed. It was presented to the UK in 1891, by the ruler of Egypt and Sudan, his name was Muhammad Ali.

Then on the 8th of August, 2015, the LORD spoke and he said, "BEN TOCK' immediately, I thought of Big Ben, London, tick tock. Although there is a bridge in Scotland with the name "Ben Tock".

When I saw the pictures yesterday, of parliament members being told to stay inside due to the lockdown, I did wonder where all those Scottish MP's were, as there weren't many MP's in parliament debating at the time of this incident.

Of course on the 22nd of May, Nicola Sturgeon and colleagues were giving their congratulations to the new Muslim Pakistani Rector of Glasgow University. It was not a democratic election of the SNP member, as his Greek-British opponent had been banned from speaking to university students.

So I can see the importance of the timeline with the actions of Scotland, and what happened in London. Globalist Nicola Sturgeon that supports more immigration, open borders, and the Pakistani lawyer, AnWAR, both are against BREXIT, and continue to campaign against it.

AnWar is an opponent of Donald John Trump too with the rest of his supporters. DJT who is doing his utmost to defend his people from such incidents that happened in London. AnWar was elected in Glasgow, the day before the incident in London. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Time was getting closer because in 2016, I was compelled to share the Nostradamus prophecy about the houses of parliament, and parliament being on lock down. The prophecy foretold:


"The fortress beside the Thames
will fall, the government blockaded within.
Thereafter along the coast it will be stripped bare,
their adversary will behold the corpse,
then he will stand inside the barrier"

Did you hear what the Muslim London Mayor said in September 2016? This is the guy that Jeremy Corbyn and the rest of lefties supported.

So I am not surprised by what happened yesterday in London, although condolences to all those that were impacted by it.

It sounds like this witness says that he saw two men in the car, is that what you heard?

Another eye witness, at the scene.

More witnesses

Tommy Robinson and film crews on the Thames. This looks like it was filmed close to where the obelisk is.

So far seven people have been arrested, say the police.

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