
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Supreme Court "Regulation B13" Judged "Unlawful"

In November 2016, the Solicitor's Journal reported that the Government's "Bedroom Tax" is "Unlawful" and the Supreme Court slammed the state's approach. This article also mentions that they were instructed to challenge the UK in the European Court of Human Rights, for "breach of rights of vulnerable women".’s-‘bedroom’-tax-unlawful

Based upon the Supreme Court's decision, people are within their legal rights to sue their local councils that insist upon charging a bedroom tax. I recommend that people speak to the local magistrates court, as it can probably be done through the small claims court.

This year the UN will also be presenting another report on the treatment of the disabled in Geneva, after that it will be given to the UK government. David Cameron was called out by the UN, and now Theresa May will be called out for her "unlawful" actions against the most vulnerable in the nation.

So the British government have the Supreme Court against it, and the UN, the EU Court of Human Rights would also be against it. Ultimately, DWP can't win with their discriminatory social policies, but do give a thought to the people that have had to suffer the consequences of the social policy that has been "inflicted" upon our people. People should sue the government for compensation, due to the "detrimental" impact that they've had on the lives of our people and their health. Each and every person that has paid any bedroom tax must also be reinbursed with every single penny and pound of it. Enough really is enough!

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