
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Nigel Farage -v- Sadiq Khan

Nigel Farage is on it with Sadiq Khan, he tweeted, "Why are there 11 diplomats from nations that ban Jewish Israeli's at your meeting tonight? Why don't you oppose them? Hypocrite".

London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, is doing his utmost to create anarchy like Obama to stop Trump and his lovely wife, First Lady, Melania Trump coming to the UK for a state visit. As if the people would have any say on who comes to visit Elizabeth when she chooses to invite the President of America.

Seriously, who do these people think they are, trying to close down the freedom of speech of Trump and the legal rights of the President.

I think we should cite human rights law to those people and remind them of article 19.

If I was Trump  I would ban all immigration, until such time as the unemployment figures are more appropriate for the size of the country. Every young American that is fit and healthy should be allowed to work and have a fulfilling and successful family life, that's hard to do when people can't find a job, paying a suitable wage in America or the UK.

At the same time as Nigel Farage is responding to Sadiq Khan, he is also taking on the EU, in defence of Trump and America. Not only that but after Starbucks said that they will give jobs to 10,000 refugees, people are stopping going to their coffee shops, and stocks are falling.

I don't think the big brands have caught up with the depth of the feeling of the amount of people that stand against cultural genocide of their nations, because the quiet majority have not been posting on social media like Twitter and FB, so they've only been feeling their own pulse of Liberalism.

Our tolerance has reached its limit, no cultural genocide, borders, and boundaries must be in place.

I've been warning people about cultural genocide since 2007, and warned American's too, and I sent them all the evidence I could of what had happened to the UK.

In the UK, salaries in real terms haven't increased since the late 80's, due to the immigration policies. Immigration increased and the standard of living of the indigenous Brits went down with it. 40 year old men have had to sell their homes, and move home with their parents due to not being able to afford to have their own home, either renting or owning. That's what immigration has co-created for our countries.

So Sadiq Khan, is on the list of those judged to be a "Hypocrite", and we know what Jesus said about those people, now don't we! Don't have anything to do with them, or anyone that tries to close down freedom of speech, Jesus was hot on communications and how to communicate. What did Jesus ask for? He asked me for ELIJAH'S FIRE and what he asks for he gets. Interesting that this year is a Yin Fire Energy year, and I am certainly onto the energy this year.


February 1st hasn't been a very good day for many, and it being the "Day of Willfulness" people are getting a righteous mouthful from me today, Elijah's Fire.

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