
Tuesday 31 January 2017


I have some French heritage on my mother's side, and when Lily was young, before she married, she became a Sunday school teacher. Before she passed over in Kent, she had been accepted for a Huguenot alms home in England due to her French heritage. The Huguenot Cross.

When my son was young we also had a French woman that came to live with us, to help this working mum. She was delightful in nature, such a happy heart, we had fun together, one of the family, for a year, then she returned home. The lovely lady said that she had come to England to improve her English, I will always remember her and the evening that she came to our charity ball.

Interesting that the word "Huguenot", is linked to "Housemates" and I had plenty of housemates during my lifetime. My door was open, day and night, for whomever required feeding.

Proverbs 31 

It pleases me to see the sheer numbers of visitors to this blog that are showing as coming from France. Remember this France, in this year of 2017, Proverbs 17:22, "A happy heart enhances one's brilliance". Recently I saw that Petula Clark married a Frenchman, and she also sang a lovely song about the happy heart. A song written by James Last.

Remember the "Harp of Faithfulness", and how important the divine instruments are, I think this year will be an epic year for the French people.

In America, they now have Obama, the ex-President, standing against the new President. People are aware that this has been planned for a long time. It is also known how Obama became president, as you maybe aware that in 2007, it was on Arab television, that there would be a Muslim president in the white house prior to the election in America. A Saudi backed president was Obama, just like the Islamic countries were funding Clinton for the globalisation plans. Prophet Isaiah warned about making all of the fields one for important reasons. 

The same Clintons that made their original wealth on the back of taking the blood of poor prisoners. The marches that you see with the "violence", is not socialism, it is anarchy. Remember this "violence vexes the Spirit of God". 

If I was Trump, I would ban all immigration from every country, until such time as all of my people, that are healthy and fit to work, have jobs. There are people on the streets of America, educated people, with numerous degrees that require jobs. The more immigrants there are, the less jobs there are for the indigenous population. Generations of Americans out of work, generations of French people too. The existing globalisation plans cannot be allowed to continue, we must preserve the uniqueness of our historical cultures and say no to cultural genocide. 

We have two eclipses coming up in February, we have a lunar eclipse on the 11th, just before my birthday, and a solar eclipse right afterwards on the 26th. 

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