
Friday 3 February 2017


I've had a dream this night and included a large commercial property that I had taken an interest in buying, it was huge, and I was showing a woman around it, and sharing my plan for it. The more it was opened up, and she saw it's potential the more impressed she was with it.

It had a huge roof type side complex to the building, and when opened you could see the blue sky. Like being in an airport or hanger, and there were large spaces in the building.

It's a recurring dream, I've seen this building before, and I was shown the next phases of the dream.

As we walked into the inner and on one of the sides of the building, there were hairdressing salons in it and other small businesses. Along the way, somehow, I collected a black sheep skin. Just before the end of the dream a few of us were chatting while waiting to have our hair done by a male hairdresser that we knew. I was having a discussion with the hairdresser about what had happened to me, when it was decided by the others, that we had to get on with the hairdressing. There were three of us about to have our hair done, two women and a man.

The black sheep skin was interesting because in the dream I didn't know how I came by it, although I knew it belonged to one of the hairdressing salons. I tried to take it back to find the right salon for it.

After that some people arrived that I knew, and they were all a lot taller than before, and they were towering above me in height. One of the women was dressed like the actress Meryl Streep, with the hair, make-up, and everything the same and we laughed about the American situation involving her.

In dream interpretation, property and building structures can pertain to your life's achievement, if the structures were impressive it can indicate eventual luxury. Although if business is involved it can indicate a sticky time to overcome with the competition that is hostile towards you.

In the dream, there were a lot of hairdressing salons competing against each other, so there was a lot of competition amongst the small business community.

However, I chose the male hairdresser that came to us, and we had known for decades, a real professional and I was loyal to those that I knew personally to be very experienced. In dream interpretation, to have your hair done is a sign of success in a new venture, or sphere of activity.

The inclusion of Meryl Streep did give me a feeling of a connection with America in the dream, and the woman that looked liked her does like American culture in real life, she also liked fancy dress.

I think the black sheep skin aspect is very interesting, as it can be put on a couch or used as a rug and sheepskin is mentioned in the bible. In dream interpretation to dream of sheep can be a warning dream, and can be a request to ask you to watch your step. Sheep are also excellent for all that concerns you. Sheepskin is sometimes used as rugs, and carpets can indicate general good luck, especially if it is new.

Black Sheep illustration by William Wallace Denslow
Mother Goose edition 1901.  

The colour of something is also important although the concept of the "black sheep", can also indicate a specific type of person. If you are known as a person that creates new ventures, new businesses, and are successful at it, you can become the black sheep in your community, because instead of you following others, you go your own innovative and intuitive way.

It's easier to take over an existing business than it is to create a new business from scratch and build it into a success.

When you are successful, numerous times, other people can feel threatened by it, when you are not one of a group that agrees with each other. However, there are different ways to view the "black sheep", from different perspectives, depending upon where you are coming from because the "black sheep" stands out from the flock, like the oddball.

So for instance some Americans are having difficulty accepting the fact that their new President is not a politician, and because he has been a successful business man, that is hard for some Americans to comprehend. You don't have to be a career politician to understand it, nor do you require any degrees in it. There is no degree for being a President of America, and this time, the people voted for a business man.

Another example is the Greek-British journalist Milo, who stands out from the crowd, and doesn't follow what some people of his age group are into. Milo is not a social conformer, he is out of the box. He's been hugely successful by being different and outrageous in an entertaining way, he also likes his hairstyles. People don't expect a gay man to have his views, that are different to theirs. The more that people stood against him, the more famous he became.

Commercially, black wool was considered undesirable because it could not be dyed, so its use was less flexible for multiple uses. In psychology the "Black Sheep Effect", has also been written about in terms of social identity and self-characterisation, and it can relate to the extreme judgement of others, and Milo has certainly experienced that.

Jesus does like his talent, and Milo returns it with interest. Maybe he should wear a bigger cross, as it certainly appears to trigger those that don't like it. Milo has launched his charitable Privilege Grant to help fund education for young people. It is open for applications, let the new venture begin.

There is one thing that we will not tolerate and that is "violence" on campus, and the closing down of freedom of speech. I may not always agree with Milo, and I could have a very interesting discussion with him. If those students were intelligent enough; they would be able to debate him and discuss where he is coming from rationally. If they're not, then why are they even at university, where debate and discussion is meant to be lively?

I can see how the salon business has become highly competitive, due to high immigration, and my sense is that many local businesses are in jeopardy due to the hostile conditions of the market that they find themselves in. It's definitely a time to support your local business people, especially those that have been in operation for a long time, and those that you have known for a long time. Life experience counts at the end of the day, and our people deserve our support.

So for instance I require a rug for my white healing room, and I have found a rug that I like locally, although I did look on-line to see if there was anything better in price and size, and design. There was nothing to match it in quality, or better it, the price is affordable, the design and colours will fit, and the size is the best that I have been able to find to fit the room.

In the 19th century, Cyrus Clark started a business in sheepskin rugs in Somerset. When his brother joined the business, they moved into footwear. I do require new shoes too for the summer.

I'm not surprised that I received this dream about business, as yesterday we moved into the next phase of the numerics of 23,000 days on the planet.

Wisdom more precious than rubies and every time I go out it is a new adventure.


  1. More on the word SALON, apparently a French word.

  2. 'MILO BILLS" being written by lawmakers.

    "Republicans across the country have taken up his crusade against so-called political correctness on college campuses."
