
Saturday 4 February 2017


Today, I had two dreams of 'In-Laws", and during one of the dreams, the year 1993 was given, so 1993 is an important aspect of this dream.

Interesting that there was 23 years since 1993 in 2016, and in 2016 I spoke to an in-law of the family. 

Two different dreams with two different sides of the in laws of the family, in one of the dreams it was the dad at the head of the table, and in the other dream it was the mother at the head of the table. The mother spoke to yours truly, and spoke of the dad and his action for yours truly. Other family members were only sitting on one side of the table with me. 

The scrolls that Israel have in their antiquity museum, also speak of the Angelic Architects and Geza Vermes provided information on that in his book on the DSS translations. The mystics foretold that the angelic architects would come in the last days of the end times,  and indeed they did come to help humanity. 


In the dreams their eldest son was at the other end of the table sitting opposite his parents and I was looking towards his parents with utmost respect in both dreams, listening to what they were saying. Interesting dreams. To dream of family in dream interpretation indicates an upswing in all of your interests.

Then today, while I was sharing my dreams, a person posted about Sciatica, and I have had some success with resolving Sciatica with Inversion Therapy that I also launched on behalf of a therapist in the 90s'. The title of the press release was "What's Upside Down About Therapy?". The British media loved the witty headline.

The PR implementation that I had provided was hugely successful for the therapist and he was even given a TV documentary, in response to the marketing that was done on his behalf. Wisdom more precious than rubies, Proverbs 31.

I first felt the nerve issues while working out in the gym in 2002, while I was doing floor exercises. I also used to swim at least twice a week at that time. It's really important that you don't give your physical structure too much activity, especially the older that you get. It's really important to have a balance in all things.

In England a study was carried out and they discovered that 70% of patients were helped by "Inversion Therapy", and this reduced the numbers of patients that had to have surgery. In so doing that provided huge savings for the NHS.

So it was natural for yours truly to try something that I had already been involved in and promoted during the 90's for the exhibition organisers. Something that had been very successful already.

We can say that "Inversion Therapy" is indeed in alignment with the spiritual law of the body, and the structure of the body, it has proven to be beneficial for patients.

We know for a fact that Jesus does like talent, and he certainly received a return with interest. My talents were chosen to help those that he knew could help others, I was told that I had been chosen for my integrity.


Original artwork completed on the 19th of January, 2016. 

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