
Saturday 4 February 2017


Great to see Alex interview the young Kevin Martin. MLK would be so proud of this young man, so pleased that Alex gave him the opportunity to share his truth on his show.

Also MLK would be so proud of Donald John Trump, for the speech that he gave in New York, and the speech that he gave during the inauguration. Trump made history for America, two of the most important speeches given during their history. Trump has inspired young people like Kevin Martin, and it's great to see that they are so willing to share their truth.

During the interview, Alex offers him an opportunity to work with him and Kevin says, yes to being given the platform.

Great to see people helping the youngsters, that are honest enough to speak up about what is going on in America. Bless him and all that he does and says. He also shares during the interview that he was adopted by a white family, and only white families are adopting children like him. What a fantastic job his parents did with this young man. A happy heart enhances one's brilliance, Proverbs 17:22.

The 21st century was born in wisdom and wisdom is more precious than rubies.

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