
Thursday 2 February 2017

23,000 Days

We arrived, 23,000 days on the 2nd of the 2nd, of 2017. That's amazingly awesome with intuition at 100%. The date adds up to five and 2+3 = 5.

The 2nd of February is the "Day of Doing The Impossible", and that reminds me of when the holy mother gifted a mystic rose for achieving the impossible.

23 the numeric of associated with career, as a compound numeric with the help of others much will be achieved. A numeric of karmic reward, with a special benefit of protection from anything harmful.


It's symbol is the Royal Star of the Lion, and the numeric promises success in career and personal affairs. Guaranteed protection from on high, and it is a most fortunate numeric. No other numbers higher or lower can challenge the strength of the lion and expect to win in my life, so it's bound to be a fascinating few years. I will be in the 23 energies now until the end of October, 2019, and that bodes well for Britannia. 2+3 = 5 = HEY.

The fifth house is all about self-expression, creativity and artistic endeavours and creating simply for the love of creating artistically, whatever that might be, it includes the joy of winning for the children.  It's about doing what you love doing, and when I was 23, I was working in film, TV and radio and enjoyed it immensely, although it was very long hours.

There are lots of creative projects that could be completed, if and when I feel compelled or would love to do so, and I still have a film script that I would like to write. This year I have to think about what I would like to do with the rest of my life on the planet and make the most of it, and as enjoyable as possible due to health restrictions. Although this year should be better than last year health wise. I would like to leave you with something that can help future generations to comprehend the sheer importance of this timeline.

Will I continue blogging? We will have to wait and see, if I do continue to blog, then there will probably be a new blog with the updated numeric. Although I do feel that my blogging days have probably come to fruition, and it is time to move on to the next phase in my life.

In my life cycle I will be in a nine year this year, completion and divine love again, and love is also in the 5th house. This year is the fruition of a major journey that began in 2008, and it does have biblical implications. I revealed myself to a nation that did not ask for me or seek me. It was also at the end of that year that our blogging began. It feels like a lifetime ago, and there have been millions of visitors since, I can tell you this, I could really do with a nice long holiday in the sunshine, I certainly deserve it and some time away from the internet if possible.

So many times people in my own country asked me to put myself first, a majority of the time I couldn't, I just had to keep on going for very important reasons that some understand now. I think a lot more people have a lot more clarity now, than they did when I arrived. The delivery has included heartfelt messages, the testimony of warning, and all that was given by the divine. We cannot turn the clock back, so I hope that you gained as much as you could from the years that I have been sharing with you.

Interesting isn't it the vibration of 23, and it's intentions.


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