
Thursday 9 February 2017


Don't forget to have your towels ready for this lunar Aquarius-Leo Eclipse. Some say its in 22 degrees, although Robert Wilkinson says that its in 23 degrees and he is usually accurate. In some countries it is on 10th and in others on the 11th. The 10th is the "Day of Acclaim", and the 11th is the "Day of Comfort", its also full moon, and for some can indicate completion of a cycle and or the beginning of the new in this fire year of the rooster. 

As we know the moon also impacts on people and the ocean of emotion, and America is certainly in a very emotive time. We can see that in how some politicians have responded to the protectiveness that their President has shown towards the protection of his people. 

More and more we are seeing leaders stepping up and being more protective and this lunar eclipse also shows us that some are looking at creative ways to get people to engage in their realities. 

Like the companies that are getting their staff involved in their political battles by asking those people to engage in Twitter and Facebook wars. 

When American corporations starting dropping brands due to how people view the world, it makes the people comprehend much more, how involved the corporations have been in the direction that politics have taken. How big their influence has been in the drama and "grand irrationality" that we have witnessed on the world scene. It also shows how emotionally and spiritually mature people are or not as the case may be. 

Mature spiritual people are asking people to look at their magnificence, while corporations are looking at impacting on the magnificence of Ivanka Trump and her dad. 

So I am certainly seeing the opposition that is going on with the opposing energy that we see manifesting. Jupiter is also retrograde and that will certainly slow expansion down, so we are very likely to see bigger bans and more restrictions on immigration, while at the same time others are trying to fight the wishes of the majority of the people in our nations. 

Anything that people feel emotional about is sure to surface in a feisty way, like Trumps defence of his daughter, when you attack a man's daughter that is extremely emotive. Men are certainly stepping up now to defend, as they are seeing more clearly and with clarity the right way forward for their nations, with approval from women that do have common sense and a moral compass. Real women, like to have a real man by their side, and do not wish for their husbands or sons to be wimps. 

That's how I feel about this lunar eclipse intuitively. However, if you would like more information about it, you might like to take a look at Roberts article.

Personally, I think the energy will be more positive when the solar eclipse energies come in on the 26th and that is the "Day of Arousal".  Due to the towel dream that I had I am also looking towards the end of May before I will see greater progress in my own life.

In the meantime, I have health and home to resolve, engaging exterior forces, to help with the interiors. I think there have been some earth shattering moves happening in international leadership, and it is impacting upon many realities, now and for the future. 

People have said no to cultural genocide of their nations, in fact, a research study carried out in ten countries has resulted in an outcome of 55% of Europeans wishing to ban Islamic migration altogether.

So we live in interesting times, and times have certainly changed, people will just have to get used to what the majority of people are saying to protect and defend their cultures. Protecting and defending our cultures is certainly very emotive, just as emotive as saving the dolphins and the oceans. 

What is interesting is that more and more people are now being a lot more creative in how they are expressing it, to get their important points across. Concise, succinct, and to the point, and no more beating around the bush, or pussy footing around. Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, is a fun way to view humanity right now, while it learns to change its ways to be more appropriate for this timeline. 

I will spread the paint for this royal star of the lion eclipse and upload it to this blog post, with it being in 23 degrees, there will be some karmic rewards. May justice be done, legally, scientifically, and peacefully for all concerned. Although I do suggest that people keep an eye on the NHS, Richard Branson and Obama because human rights in our nations are being infringed upon in very serious ways. 

What else is happening? MP's are discussing the birds, the Sea Gulls, and a cull of them, do they realise why sea gulls come in land? They come in land for two reasons, for food, or because there is a storm brewing.

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