
Tuesday 7 February 2017


I am still doing my yogurt trial, of having yogurt two to three times a day, although when all is eaten, sometimes I few days gap until I can get some more. Currently, I am having a lemon yogurt, and I also have a plain yogurt.

Last night I cooked a Jalfrezi Bean dish, that was nice and quick to cook and I do like Butter Beans very much.

I cooked up half a bag of fresh spinach in a little water and put that to one side, while my chopped onions and garlic were frying. When soft I included a 400g jar of Pataks mixed pepper Jalfrezi sauce, I like to cook my own sauces, although this was quick and made a change.

Then the butter beans, drained weight 230g. All mixed up with some more chopped garlic, I like a lot of garlic to keep the colds away. On top of that I put the drained and squeezed spinach, for a delicious quick meal. Served with some coriander and garlic nan bread, and mango pickle.

It made enough for two meals, yesterday and today. Of course you could have some lemon yogurt with the dish too.

I fancied something spicy for a change and this was it this week, it certainly gets your taste buds going.  I still have to get some saffron too that I was shown divinely before surgery in 2016.

Butter beans are really good for you, my mum liked butter beans, although she didn't cook them like I do. Sometimes she put the beans in a stew. What else do we have on spice?

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