
Thursday 9 February 2017


On the 7th of January, 2017, I had a dream that included towels. Now in the news Trump is also talking about towels apparently. It is reported that Mr President says that the towels on Airforce One are not soft enough. He certainly likes the best of everything, and will improve standards and quality, wherever he goes.


What else has the Don been up to? He's been having a meeting with airline executives. Attending the swearing in ceremony of his new Attorney General, and generally enjoying what he is involved in, including three more EO's.

A friend shared today that the 25th May date that I mentioned for "International Towel Day", is a moon in Taurus and the home and homeland is very important to the Taurus bulls.

Trump is a communicator, a Gemini sun sign, although he has the heart of a Lion in his ascendent sign apparently.

The energies have been excellent today, very powerful in my reality, I got so much done, prior to going to the hospital. A super transformational day.

If we keep this up, things will get sorted in no time at all.

Best wishes everyone, have a lovely eclipse.

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