
Friday 10 February 2017


I had an interesting dream today, and it involved the internet and google. The dream included the removal of postings, and in dream interpretation the meaning of the dream presents a choice to be made, between retrenchment and a new start. What's interesting about that is Michael who is mentioned in the book of Daniel, used to talk a lot about being in the trenches when he was in the military.

It also reminds me of when the LORD said, "You have the lever to get them out of the mire".

Interesting then how the Americans have responded to the new start with the new President, all had a choice in life, retrenchment or a new start, that option is presented again on this lunar eclipse. It's interesting when people return with the same name to a previous reality, as it shows us that their vibration hasn't changed. Eventually you come to completion and you are given your final name, that remains in the kingdom of God.

For as you ascend through the heavens, new names are given, that are appropriate for your vibration and level of being.  Names that only the divine can give, so will you retrench, or will you go onwards and upwards this lunar eclipse? That is the choice for humanity too. Eventually you come to completion and you are given your final divine name by God, a name that remains in the kingdom of God.

A new start can come in many different ways, at many different times in your life. The great thing about Aquarians is that they like change, and are comfortable with change in their lives.

They thrive on having new experiences, and new adventures in life. Aquarians don't like staying in the same reality for a long time, they enjoy moving on to new challenges. The fact is that sometimes in your life, you don't have a choice whether to move on or not, its enforced by the universal energies and its spiritual law. For there are those that have been pre-destined, and called for an important reason.

Yesterday I chose a new start, and I picked up my new glasses, went out with a new hairstyle, and received a make-up session to match. The young girl that was doing my make-up mentioned Audrey Hepburn in the film "My Fair Lady", while she was doing my make-up, a very natural look.

I shared with her that I had been involved in launching the cosmetic brands of No 7 and No 17 for Boots all those decades ago. It took a little while for it to sink in what I was sharing with her, I then explained that I had worked for the advertising agency in London, that agency that first launched the Boots cosmetic products in the UK. McCormick Richards, it was my first job in the agency world and it was a wonderful springboard for a career that I enjoyed immensely, working with consumer products.

No 7 is still going strong and stronger than ever in the UK. Also interesting that my life number is also No 7, and so was the life number of Jesus. It's a spiritual numeric of the spiritual teacher.

She was a really lovely young woman, and of course I bought my new make-up from her, and it was a numeric that Jesus had spoken of to do with the spiritual law. That young woman was given what she required, her loving, giving heart was rewarded. I knew in my heart that I had made the correct choice, just like I knew that I had made the right choice when I accepted the job at my first agency.

Wisdom more precious than rubies, always follow the intuition of your hearts for it does lead to finding the happiness within, and the more that you do that, the more your path becomes clear for you.

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