
Friday 10 February 2017

Message For Nordstrom

People have read the news about Nordstrom, it was founded by a Swedish man and we all know what has happened to Sweden due to their political correctness. Sweden is decimated due to their immigration policies. The fact is that we cannot house and finance the millions of people that would like to come to our countries and Sweden is experiencing cultural genocide.

Nordstrom also emailed their staff prior to dropping the Ivanka stock, going against the Ivanka brand due to politics and the extreme vetting of immigrants, just shows the serious involvement of companies and corporations involvement in politics and the impact that the democrats have had.

Also every dad as the right to defend his daughter, so the President did exactly the right thing to defend her. We require real men on this planet, not wimps.

Other companies have also followed suit and it includes Neiman Marcus, when I looked into it, it led right back to Islam and a Muslim country. Neiman Marcus was bought by Ares Management and Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board in 2005, and just this week the divine message received was LISTEN, and I was shown the Canadian flag.

In 2007, Abu Dhabi Investment bought shares in Ares Management and Abu Dhabi is owned by the UAE.

In the UK, Muslims are being deported following their appeal being overturned, all those involved in the Rotherham case with female children are being deported. As far as I am aware they were from Pakistan, one of the countries, whose people are being extremely vetted in America. Yesterday, the new President had a meeting with the top American Airline Executives at the White House. 

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