
Saturday 11 February 2017


There was a great song from 1959, called "PERSONALITY', and it was sung by Lloyd Price. There is one thing that you can say about Donald John Trump, he certainly has plenty of personality. He's so funny sometimes he reminds us of the boxer that liked him too.

Trump is still tweeting, and tweeting and while on Air Force One with the media, he said that there will be a big announcement next week. While Trump is having a great time at his country resort in the sunshine, the media are still 'speculating', on what his tweets mean.

It is written that there has never been so much interest in politics as now, that is a major achievement of Trump in this timeline, as interest was waning to such a low level that people were not even voting when given the opportunity to do so in many countries. Of course, BREXIT did get people voting due to the impact of Nigel Farage, and so did Trump in the American election. It takes big personalities to make that happen.

Just a few weeks into the job, and he has already met with two of the leaders involved in G7 and many of the leaders in America, that includes the unions, police, and leaders of corporations. He certainly got on with the job straight away, and he likes to go away for the weekends. It's very romantic isn't it? To spend his weekends with his wife and family, at the same time as entertain.

The elegant Melania Trump wearing white for her visit to the gardens.

Do you like personality or do you prefer celebrity? Some celebrities have personality and some don't, you've either got it or you haven't. How much personality do you have?

God is gone up with glory, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet. Psalm 47:5 Aramaic Peshitta.

This year it will be ten years since the shofar was sounded for yours truly on mount Carmel outside Elijah's Cave in September, 2007.  How time goes so quickly, so what will you do with your personality, and your life now? Will you retrench or have a new start? I have a new fridge coming tomorrow, so I am very pleased about that. I have new glasses, a new hair-do and new make-up, moving forward with my new start and new style.

Some people thrive on change, Aquarians certainly do and this has been an Aquarius-Leo eclipse.

That was quick, the number of visitors to this blog from France has now exceeded the Americans, as the largest number of visits, since this particular blog began.

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