
Sunday 12 February 2017

Rev Steven Chalke Oasis Charity

Rev Steven Chalke of the Oasis Charity claims that the Church is "driving gay people to suicide".

Then if we look at the stats provided in the news article, they only provide stats on men and women and different age groups. It does not stipulate how many of those people involved in those stats are from the LGBT community. The LGBT community is not defined within the stats provided.

OASIS also claim that it is due to the Christian Church and its stance on 'Same-Sex' marriage. How can he call himself a Christian and represent Christians unless he agrees with what Jesus said about marriage in this timeline? Jesus said that they would be like the angels in heaven and not marry, sometimes I wonder if they've ever read their bibles. He also spoke of the importance of giving that community healing.

There are also people within the LGBT community that also do not agree with "same-sex marriage', so how do you respond to those people Steven Chalke?

Matthew 22:30, Mark 12:25. Matthew 19:12. Matthew 11:23-24. Matthew 10:15.

British journalist, from BREITBART, Milo Yiannopoulos gives his response to gay marriage. The big personality of Milo.

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