
Monday 27 February 2017


I noticed today that the first pink blossom is on the tree outside my kitchen window. That always pleases as I recognise it, that spring has sprung. So interesting that it happened this weekend during the solar eclipse.

Today an interesting video has been shared, and it is about a discovery in southern Belize of an unusual Mayan artefact with the T and that reminds me of the dream that I had of a Mayan pyramid that we discovered.

Blessings in abundance to you. 

What else has been going on in southern Belize, since a beloved sent them a camera to film what they would like to film when a member of their Mayan community asked for it? Why were they asking for a camera? They were wishing to promote their area for eco-tourism and a camera was an essential for their community.

What else did we do, when a Mayan elder spoke of the youth leaving southern Belize, and his daughters interest, we offered to send a flower essence producer from the UK, to teach the young Mayans how to make flower essences from their native flora.

Discussions were held with an established flower essence producer in the UK, and she was willing to give her time freely, and charitably to help them.

The Mayans in the south of Belize didn't follow up on the offer that was given in genuineness, sincerity, and integrity, and of course that was their free-will choice. 

Belize has been blessed as the LORD gave the name at least three times to yours truly, and I did share that with a spiritual elder that has been helping the mayans in different mayan countries for most of his life.

Best wishes to everyone in Belize. 

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