
Sunday 26 February 2017


A special solar eclipse for our people across the world on this blessed Sunday, 26th, February, 2017. Author Jeff Benner shared with us that the word ADONAI is a plural word in Hebrew.

The similarity between the word ADONAI, and ADONIS, is striking and he was often pictured as a "beautiful, rather effeminate youth." Author John Allegro also had some interesting views towards the Adonis. In his book, "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross", the Dead Sea Scrolls scholar, cites a passage from Ezekiel 8:17 and translates it thus: 

"he brought me into the inner court of the house of Yahweh; and behold, at the door of the temple of Yahweh, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men, with their backs to the temple of Yahweh, and their faces towards the East, worshipping the sun towards the East. Then he said to me, "Have you seen this O son of man? Lo, they stretch out the erect phallus before them" (RSV: "put the branch to their nose"). He explains that in the root of the word, to "stretch out" is related to "stretch out as in measure a boundary". 

So I view this name as more of a title, as in the title of an action that is taken, one only becomes a Lord in the true sense of the word if one takes the appropriate actions for a higher cause. 

I hope that you are enjoying your Sunday solar eclipse energies, the ring of fire, let there be light, love and joy. I have lit two lavender candles, as lavender is great for clearing and healing the home, I also like the great fragrance of geranium. You can fill your home with lavender and geraniums, my mum and dad liked geraniums very much, and the geranium is for assimilation.

It's a great aromatherapy oil, especially at bath time or for sleep. If you have difficulty sleeping, you could put some lavender and geranium oil on your pillow, or a few drops in some almond oil and put it upon your face.

A great choice of healing oils for people that are convalescing.

So what's for lunch today?

I have some egg mayonnaise to start, and then some fresh asparagus, the love tips, some red grapes, some salmon, sweet potato, and sweet corn. For afters I have some melon, blueberries, kiwi, orange, lemon, and lime, a fruit salad, or juiced to choose from.

Keeping my food light for my body and age, and highly nutritious. So my first smoothie of the day is a kiwi, banana, a small punet of blue berries, and a handful of red grapes. It tastes a little medicinal with the kiwi in it.

Always make sure that you have some sweetness in your life, not only in food and in that which you drink.

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