
Tuesday 28 February 2017


This first video is Professor Jordan Peterson from Canada, giving his latest interview on the current debate that is going on in academia in Western universities. In the beginning of the interview he explains the cost of speaking up in defence of freedom of speech and how some are not speaking up because the impact can be overwhelming for doing so.

Yet, he clearly points out that if people don't speak up what follows is "violence" and we know "violence" doesn't solve anything in the long term.

A lot of American protestors are now faced with the possibility of a ten year prison sentence due to their ideology of standing against their duly elected President. That is the cost of their "violence", and stopping the transport infrastructure that impacts on the lives of other law abiding citizens.

I've watched a few of the videos of Professor Peterson and he speaks a lot of common sense, he is rational, and the interview is perfect timing. This Professor certainly deserves our support, in defending freedom of speech, although I don't agree with 100% of what he says, I would say that I agree with at least 95-98% in most cases.

As a person that has defended freedom of speech for nearly two decades on line, this subject matter is close to my heart, so Jordan Peterson certainly as my support. I know that it hasn't been an easy journey standing up to the whole "pronoun-identity issues" that are in the forefront of the debate that he has been forced to get involved with. I view it as a matter of conscience when we are defending Western culture, as we are also defending our hearts.

As far as his comments on Milo, I respect his explanation, and my view is that Milo defined himself provocatively on purpose, although I view him as a catalyst and Carl Jung wrote a great quote on 'reaction'.

"The meeting of two personalities, is like the contact of two chemical substances, if there is any reaction, both are transformed". Carl Jung

In this video, Professor Jordan Peterson speaks directly to camera and explains his position as an academic and we have to remember that this Professor is being faced with this on a daily basis in his work life, its not just an ideology. It's become a political platform for the people that stand against the professor and freedom of speech, and when that happens careers can be on the line. Life and family too, as Nigel Farage discovered while sharing the truth with people about the referendum.

Not only that because in Canada, the LGBT people have managed to get it passed in law. I suggest that everyone listens to what he has to say about it.

On the pronouns issue, and the people that are pushing that agenda. Carl Jung had another great quote. "People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls". Carl Jung.

It begs the question how many of those students have actually seen their own souls?

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