
Wednesday 22 February 2017


Americans are becoming very concerned about what is happening in their education system, and so they should be. While Christianity has been suppressed, Islam is being indoctrinated and the parents are questioning those involved.

I actually enjoyed examining comparative religion in my elder years, although I was looking at it through the eyes of maturity, spirituality, and mysticism.

However, what I discovered in the Qu'ran was certainly alarming, due to its prophecies about destroying civilisations with its methodologies and Islamic men marrying Western women to do it, Western women are viewed as "War Booty" in Islam.

Another reason why the Judeo-Christian Milo Yiannopoulos has stood against Islam is due to how they treat their own women, and how they treat gays. So I am not surprised that he intends to concentrate the next phase of his career on entertainment and education. A choice has been made, retrenchment or new venture? 

Milo has chosen a new media venture, this time he has a much bigger platform with millions of fans, he has his own way of defending the Christians freedom of speech by utilising his own, Zion defends.

Critical thought and examination is essential for freedom to exist, that isn't something that Islamic countries are used to. Milo has given a press conference to apologise for the misunderstanding, provide further clarity, and respond to the MSM.

Now let's see if the journalists see him as less of a threat, and whether they will take a serious look at the issues that he has been raising at his presentations on campus. Europeans have certainly done their utmost to wake America up in the last 20 years.


The article includes the press conference.

Between the two eclipses, and the phoenix is rising from the ashes.

The theme tune for Greece and Milo is appropriate, FREEDOM MARCH.

Fascinating that I wrote about the dream with salons in it, and mentioned Milo in that blog post on the 3rd of February, 2017 and now Milo is launching a new venture.


It looks like Milo's name will be written in law by American lawmakers. As "Milo Bills" crop up across America. Scales of justice to bring a balance to the campuses.

As Jesus foretold in the timeline of Elijah, everything is restored, so it is natural that freedom of speech is restored to the campuses.

It was 17 years ago that I was invited onto the internet, and asked to join a health forum by a client, colleague and friend. It wasn't long after that, that I then began to write about freedom of speech and was standing against what I called the PC Brigade that were trying to stop it.

So I was pleased to see young Milo defending freedom of speech in recent times. The rest is now history, and prayers are being said for Milo and his family at this difficult time, I intent for him healing beyond measure and hope that he can feel the power of its love.

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