
Thursday 23 February 2017


The divine instruction that I received today after I had to cancel an appointment was "CONVALESCE", it is often a time when a person is recovering from operative procedure and they have to convalesce afterwards. So that their dynamic self-healing system can work to maximum capacity in the body. A time of recuperation, when health improves during the recovery process that the body engages in.

It is a time when supplements may be required, and definitely healing foods. It is a verb and is defined as "to recover health and strength after illness", as in restoration. It has been known for people to go away to convalesce, and there were special facilities for people to convalesce in, they were called a "convalescent home".

Some people went abroad to convalesce. That's a different type of holiday, when it is for health reasons.

I did have some surgery in December 2016, so the message is telling yours truly, that the body is still recovering from it, and I must take special care of myself at this time, take special care of my health. It's a special and important period of time for your body, a time for gathering strength again.


My gran had a lot of operations during her lifetime, Sophia was always convalescing and liked to go to the seaside for it, although sometimes she used to come to our home for it. Depending on the operation it can take months for the restoration to come to completion.

Since 1994, James D'Angelo as been involved in  "Sound Healing" and the power of the voice. It's lovely to listen to the elders like James. He mentions a few names of people that I remember working in this field of healing.

I do have some instruments for the healing process, I also work with colour and light, Reiki, flower essences, aromatherapy oils, healing foods, sound, toning, and meditation, depending what is required by the body, at any particular time.

Interesting that the 23rd of February,  is the "day of problem-solver".

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