
Tuesday 21 February 2017


Self-control and self-discipline has been discussed a lot over the years. However, how much self-control do you have when physical pain exceeds it? At that point, on what do you depend for your safety, so that you can endure it, and go beyond it?

For instance, a mother whose baby is full term, yet it is laying on her nerve, gaining a pound a week. How many people know what that pain is like and how excruciating it is? What would that mother have done if the next door neighbour hadn't taken care of the pregnant mother, when the maternity hospital were not willing to do so?

"Love your neighbour as yourself, love does no harm to a neighbour. Therefore love is the fulfilment of the law". 

If you gave birth, did you have to have stitches, how many stitches did you have, how painful would 36 stitches be after you have been cut open to get the baby out, so that the baby could live?

How about the baby that experiences a traumatic birth, and screams for ten days with an hernia before help was given to alleviate and put an end to that physical pain?

Or the person that has had "gall bladder" issues in their youth, do you know how physically painful that is? Were you kept off school due to your physical health and the pain that you were in? Were you operated upon and how did you feel?

Or what about the child that has to be rushed to hospital due to an accident that the child was involved in, and the child is screaming with physical pain, due to it

The physical body has its limits as far as physical pain is concerned, and those that experience physical pain have to be looked after appropriately. Just like the mother looked after the pregnant mother, or like Pearl Means, looked after her husband, Russell Means. Like my mum looked after my dad.

Interesting that the verse of the day was also about loving your neighbour. There are times in your life when people are sent to help you, exactly when you require their help, and sometimes your love and effort is also required by those that live close by. It is not just about medical care, or carers, it is about the support in your communities, and supporting each other when it is required the most.

In my life, 2016 was a spiritually transformative year, as the pain that I experienced prior to operative procedure, helped me to access some memories from 30 years ago, and those memories connected to a "car accident", were thankfully released.

I gained something more for the repertoire of life experience at a very deep level, it was transformative. Something that I had been thinking about when the accident happened had embedded itself in my brain, I had just seen a man die prior to the accident happening and it was someone that I had loved deeply. The key word came out of my mouth, so that I could unlock its meaning, and in spiritual psychology that I was trained to teach divinely, I knew how to process it very quickly.

People shouldn't drive when they're bereaved, they should be taken care of. Young women like to be so independent, although it is not always in their best interests. Did Jesus ask for so much independence, he asked his healers to work together, and also to love those that live close to you.

There was an important reason for everything that he taught, even enabling us to find what he would like us to find to release.

There is a lot more that science is learning about the physical body, even discovering systems in the body for the first time, and as shared many years ago, there will be a new branch of physics.


Completed in January 2017 

This paint was spread for a lovely healer. 

2017, I am in a nine year in my life cycle, a year of completion and divine love in manifestation.

"A happy heart enhances one's brilliance", Proverbs 17:22

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