
Monday 2 January 2017


While bathing in candlelight, I was shown some visions, that appeared before my open eyes.

1. First I saw the head of a female tiger. We find the tiger in Buddhism and in many other cultures in spiritual symbology. The White Tiger, it must always have its head to the south, and its tail to the north and when you see a tiger it can indicate a bringer of strength. In Japan it denotes courage, it is shamanic, and it is a super power, a messenger of the gods of the forest, and is ridden by god and goddesses. In my memory and experiences of Kuan Yin, she loved to ride the animals.

It also reminds me of the original theme tune that was given to America in 2008, "Eye of the Tiger" from the film Rocky and as we know, Rocky didn't give up.

2. Then I saw prayer hands with a piece of white material about to be wrapped around the hands.

3. I received a message 'SEED BED' and I knew immediately, that it was to do with money, as I have heard that term before. The EU give out seed money, but there is a lot of politics involved in it. Also venture capitalists give out seed money, but that is because they would like a share of the business.

Seed money is meant to help start-up businesses, although Jesus taught that the wealthy must give to the poor freely, to those that are worthy of it. He asked, that his healers were financed, by those that were worthy to finance the healers. He didn't ask the wealthy to take a financial % from his spiritual community, or earn on the backs of it. He asked for charity, as he knew that the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for HESED.

Of course we also find the SEED BED in farming too.

4. After that I saw a bird flying towards me, the  OWL again, and it came to collect what was being held by the hands. In Greek and Roman symbology, the OWL is a symbol of WISDOM, sacred to Minerva. In Israel, the OWLS have been helping the farmers, and the Israeli eco-farmers have been sharing with other farmers how helpful and important OWLS are to farming.

5. Then I saw the hands again, and this time the white material was wrapped around the prayerful radiant healing hands. The white material reminds me of the white material seen in the Nostradamus pictures. It makes me think of an important ordination, with large ribbon wrapped around the hands, like a wedding.


6. Then a "Star of David", was coming out of the hands and going upwards. Arising!.

7. After that I saw a hand raised up, and in the hand was a bird, it looked like a white dove, it also looked like the Twitter icon but the bird was white. In spiritual symbology doves are sacred to all great Mothers and there was a dove on Joseph's staff.


January 2017 

So I shall put a dove upon my Chanukah gift of the branch. In spiritual symbology the White Dove is also a symbol of Israel, a symbol of purity, meekness, and simplicity, it can indicate the end of a war, just as the war in Syria as come to an end, and children have gone back to school in Aleppo.

That song reminds me of when I put a dove in the hands of Israeli's when we were at the sea of Galilee, together, united with the dove in 2006. 

8. Then I asked the LORD what does this mean? He responded, 'Put your hand up, put your hand up", so I put my right hand up, so that my hand could match with the hand with the bird in it, so that it  could unite with my hand, two hands becoming one in the heart with the dove inside it.

9. After that I saw the face of Donald John Trump, he was looking serious, it was the picture of him on his Twitter account.

10. Then I saw Father Christmas, and dwarfs, all dressed as Father Christmas, with big red noses, like cartoon characters. Like you would see in a Christmas movie.

11. After that I saw pumpkins, with lights inside them.

12. After that I saw a nativity scene, with Mother Mary, with the baby Jesus.

After I have eaten, I shall paint some pictures to go with these visions and messages. If I view the visions in order of receipt, it looks like we have visions of the year ahead.

"A happy heart enhances one's brilliance" Proverbs 17:22


  1. So Trump and Julian Assange have been on a Twitter rant about Obama, and the timing is Christmas in the Eastern Church. Christmas Eve is being celebrated in the countries that aligned with the Eastern Church. In this photograph we see the Father Christmas's.

    Cartoon characters can indicate Florida, where Trump also has a home and there has been an event at Fort Lauderdale today.

  2. People with their hands up, at Fort Lauderdale airport in Florida. Not surprised that the name of the Sherif is Scott Israel. The news article says that the man had travelled from Alaska to Florida, via Minnapeapolis.
