
Tuesday 3 January 2017


Amazing what is going on in north London, England has always sold British memorabilia and souvenirs. I know I used to work in shops that did, and extended family in central London also had stalls too.

You can't even name a shop what you would like to name your business now. This news is about what they call the "snobs" in Muswell Hill and they have to have an acceptance of that which is.

We are British and as such, we can have shops that say so, I always remember Maggie Thatcher, promoting "BUY BRITISH".


There is nothing "racist", about a British shop in Britain. The whole political correctness that some British people have taken on from America with its "race card" shows us that some people don't have minds and hearts of their own, they've clearly been "brainwashed" by their education, media, and the Americanisms that pop up everywhere in social media.

They try to close down businesses like they did in America, and keep on throwing the "race card" at people in our nation. Just because we voted to leave the EU and voted for BREXIT. They try to close down freedom of speech, and the majority will not put up with it anymore, not before, not now, and not in the future.

For if they loved their country, they would defend our country and its heritage and culture, they would cheer this man on for his idea.  If the people that live in this country do not defend our country and its people's rights, than what does it say about them?

This story is about people that are actively campaigning against this man's livelihood, whatever next. You don't see them campaigning against Muslim or Hindu shops do you? No they only stand against our own culture, and that means they support "cultural genocide" of it. I began warning people about "cultural genocide" in 2007, I was compelled to write an article to wake people up, and it was distributed in January, 2008.

It makes you wonder if there is a law that can defend this man's business and respond to those that are trying to close him down. What did this man ever do to them? Those people are willing to close down this man's business, just because of their own ideology, that should not be allowed in this country.

Who do they think they are? I think we should ask Ginger Spice to turn up in her lovely British flag dress. Let the media put their eyes on that at this man's lovely historic shop.

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