
Tuesday 3 January 2017


Britannia, symbolic of the goddess of patriotism, the name Britannia is from Latin and it derives from  the Greek form, "Prettanike" or "Brettaniai". A woman that defends her home, homeland of the free, mother of the free, hope and glory. In times of war she represented British liberty, and true democracy.

In this context, in this modern age, defending freedom of speech and those that have the courage to speak it. However, freedom of speech does not mean that people can 'name call' those that are expressing their freedom of speech, especially when they're sharing the truth. It's easy to see who has self-discipline and who does not.

So for instance I have noticed how some Americans, have gone after Donald John Trump, Nigel Farage, Julian Assange and our British-Greek journalist Milo. Some American's and the lefties seem to think that they rule social media because a majority of the platforms are American owned.

However, social media isn't the only media or place where people communicate. In fact, I know a lot of people that don't touch or engage with social media platforms at all. Just because a person has a computer doesn't mean that they engage with social media and a lot of the elderly don't have computers at all.

The fact is that a lot of the people that do the 'attacking', can't even rule their own emotions, that is why they do what they do in social media, their expressing what they hold within due to them triggering all over the place. Remember what the biblical prophecy said about ESAU, the 'attacker', no 'self-control'. Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame and Esau will be stubble.

"See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness" Luke 11:35

When some Americans or British or from any other nation "attack" others, it shows us what they hold inside of themselves, that is the power of 'name calling' it shows us what is in their hearts. It seriously has the power to destroy those people, and your own bodies, and that is why Jesus asked people to seek within to heal themselves and bring forth and out of them what had to be removed. 

As soon as people step into the "name calling" reality, immediately we know, just like Clinton spoke of it in 2010, that America was "losing the information war". "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it". John 1:5 

Clinton's "name calling", helped Donald John Trump to get elected, it helped him to soar the heights. The same with Milo, his soon to be released book, "Dangerous", as already soared to No 1 in the Amazon bestseller chart. All because the American Liberals chose to stand against him on social media, and his book contract that was worth $250,000. 

The more that Americans go after these people, the more that it shows us who they are and what they hold inside of them. Zion defends, as Britannia defends our culture, in the Spirit of Grace, and history in incredible ways. So seek within if you even think about 'attacking' one of the people that have put their lives on their line to help humanity.

The word "Briton", emphasised that a person was a native of the Isle, a truly indigenous Brit, and we have been defending our nation for thousands of years, and we won't stop defending it, not before, not now, and not in the future.

It's important that you are masters of yourselves and that is why the godly voted to leave the EU.

"I have come into this world as a light, so that no one who believes in me, should stay in darkness" John 12:46

The Son of Joseph 

I dedicate this post to my dad, the Son of Joseph. The greatest gift I ever gave him after my love was the respect for the home that he had created and provided for us. The words that I had sewn with my own hands, every single stitch. The embroidery that he placed upon the walls, and read everyday of his life.

He knew that love had arisen, after the embroideries had been received. Those words that had been so carefully and thoughtfully chosen, kept him going, even when it was hard to stay alive. He knew that he had been truly blessed in life, and that he was truly loved beyond measure. Home sweet home.

Then after the Son of Joseph passed over, those same words, those same embroideries kept my mother going. For she also knew that she had been loved beyond measure during her life on the planet.

UPDATE 5th of July, 2017. The Knights of Britannia.

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