
Monday 2 January 2017


Last night after I had cooked my dinner for the last night of Chanukah, HaShem, said "Stunning" while I was dishing it up. I had cooked some salmon in fresh lemon juice with a sliced tomato with some small chopped onion, garlic and black pepper to taste. My vegetables were spinach and peas cooked in mint, served with mashed butter swede and some carrot. Delicious.

Today in the news there is some STUNNING STARLINGS captured on video in Spain by Marco Campazas, in Logrono City in northern Spain.  The Daily Mail describe it as being like a 'LAVA LAMP' and that links into the 'LAVA PROPHECY' given by the Son of God in 2007.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks have bigger things to disclose in 2017, and he says that it will blow peoples minds away. If you thought 2016 was big, 2017 is going to be as Trump would say, "Bigly".

Although it was in recent years that HaShem spoke of blowing their minds away, and the Liberals are definitely going through that now. You just have to look at Twitter to see how some are responding to Nigel Farage, Donald John Trump, Wikileaks and our Milo. They just can't get over it, or come to an acceptance of that which is of what transpired during 2016.

Now we have the stunning starlings, and you can be sure that there will be some stunning speeches in 2017, and I think Trump will surprise many people, Americans, and Europeans with his disclosures once he starts whistleblowing too. There is an important reason, divine reasons why Farage and Trump have become friends, they share a lot in common, in wishing the very best for our nations. It is divine providence, that they share what is in their hearts.

There are European elections this year, and I think people will be stunned again by what happens in Europe this year of 2017. The silent majority, are silent no more, people have woken up to reality after receiving so many reality checks. Now the flock has arisen, wonderful things will come to be, it will be a stunningly, wonderful year for those that can see all of the positivity of it.

The love vibration indeed. Interesting that the "Lava Prophecy" was given in 2007, and 2017 also has a 7 at the end of it. 7 is also the life number numeric of the spiritual teacher, onwards, and upwards.

It is a year of the "Prudent Servant", and the "Eloquent Lips", so we will see the difference between the "godly -v- ungodly", those that are doing the will of God, versus those that are not. Proverbs 17.

The Eloquent Lips prophecy in Proverbs 17, also indicates great speeches, excellent, and stunning speeches in 2017. Also you will see more and more of who has been prudent and who has not.

America spent over $trillion on Christmas and that increased their deficit to China even more, so there certainly has to be big changes in America and their shopping sprees. Yet, some Americans complain about a figure of 38BN that is given to Israel to protect the ancient site where the Son of God walked and still walks. Historical Israel, a wonderful yet tiny country in the middle east, always in my heart. 2017, a new cycle of time for you and us.

Happy New Year Everyone

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