
Saturday 7 January 2017


It was in December 2016, when I woke up to the message of "ARAMATHEOPIST" and the book of Jonah it is mentioned how there are Aramaisms in that text.

The story of Jonah and his adventures feature aspects that we can look at and consider in our own lives.  I found chapter 4 interesting in light of my own life and experiences. Due to the fact that it mentions the east side of the city, the plant that grows than withers due to God's will, and the reason why the east side is so important to what a person has to learn or integrate.

For planetary wise, the east side is also the equivalent of a teacher. It made me think of the amount of times that I was sent to the east side to work and what happened while I was there. My doctor's clinic  used to be on the east side too.

I also thought of friends that lived on the east side or moved to the east side and the reasons why based upon the teachings in the book of Jonah and Jonah had to integrate compassionate action and the mercy of God. For the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy, he asked for HESED.

To comprehend the mercy that the LORD has for both people and animals. In the story Jonah, Jonah was "angry" about what happened to his plant, and the LORD calls him out of it.

We can view a plant in different ways, what did you plant and how did it grow when you were working or living on the east side of the city? The withering of the plant that Jonah had can also signify that something is given, and then something is taken away from you, so that you can learn what you have gone to the east side to comprehend.

So for instance I knew someone that moved in with a friend on the east side, soon after, his friendship with that person withered, and they were friends no more. The same happened with myself when a friend moved her business to the east side, soon after we parted company.

Then there was a friend that moved from north to east, and after I accompanied the woman that I had helped and taken her to live her dream in Egypt, I didn't see her anymore after that.

Another interesting aspect of it is that in the text the LORD mentions knowing the difference between the left hand and the right hand. Who does know this? Surely, only the truly godly know this, because they have integrated how merciful and powerfully loving our God is and that which he has taught us about our hands.

It is often the case that if you are sent to live or work on the east side of a city, in that location you will meet a teacher of some kind, like meeting the planet Saturn head on. Someone or some life circumstance that offers you an opportunity to make a breakthrough. It is about commitment, it is also about the structure of your life and what you are committed too.


So for instance a friend moved to the east side, she became very ill while there, and I went to her and begged her to allow me to give her healing. We were blessed, that the LORD was merciful to her, and we delivered a miracle together. After that she went onto work with disabled children, and she shared that one of her friends said that it was the best thing that she ever did.

When I worked on the east side of our city, in the location where I now live, that was one of the times that I did a lot of fundraising for charities. Although businesses that were allowed to grow there, also began to wither, and myself and others were forced to move our businesses to the other side of the city. In time I prospered again.

So if you are moved to the east side it means that there is something for you to learn, in my north node in my birth chart it indicated acceptance was part of my life journey. 'Having an acceptance of that which is' that was passed on by a dear sister, that many called Mum, Tania.

Jonah was given many opportunities to integrate what had to be integrated, and it's interesting that my son has moved to the east side for the second time during his adult life.

I found it interesting to note that the local charities have been moved to the east side of our location in recent years. On that side is also the synagogue, a couple of spiritualist churches, and the Catholic churches are over that side too.

Another aspect of the teaching is the "right hand and left hand" is mentioned in that text, and that although people think they know, how do they know, if they don't know the difference between the left and right hand? Interesting aspects for people to ponder upon, especially as the city of London, the money men work on the east side of it.

Most of London mainstream publishing was on the east side too, and we have seen how that is withering in recent years. So my advice if you are going to start a new business, don't start it on the east side of your location.

When I think of people that have lived and worked on the east side, I think of the learning curve that they have been on, and education is also a big aspect of being on the eastern side in our location. A friend that moved to the east side, my miracle woman, as returned in recent years, she is now on the south side. I am very glad that she moved, although it would have been more beneficial health wise if she had moved a lot closer to me, a lot sooner.

Interesting that when she moved south, she was brought back into my life and when I approach the south, for any reason, whether living in the south, working in the south, or just contacting people in the south, or on the south side, I am usually successful in what I do.

The same with my son, every time he is on the south side close to his mother, he becomes successful under my wings of protection. However, when a person has to find their own wings, they're removed from the wings of the parents.

Its not just about work and friendships either, the east side can also impact on relationships in a very big way! When working or living on the east side, relationships can come quickly, and leave just as quickly, so any relation that comes into your life on the east side, will rarely last, because it is purely for your healing process.

Look at George Michael's life, he met a man that was Lebanese, a man from the east, and now he is not with us anymore. There is a police investigation into what happened to our Greek-British George Michael. George was very charitable, although he still amassed great wealth, he still had to learn the difference between the left and the right hand.

The recent holiday period in my life was interesting in this context as my surgery was carried out in the north and that is the direction of healing and the healer.  So it has been a healing holiday for yours truly in 2016, and when my new year begins with my birthday in February, I will begin a new year, a new cycle of time, of completion and divine love in manifestation on the earth plane.

If you or yours is experiencing an eastern reality, I hope that you make the breakthrough that you hope to attain, and meet the challenges that you face with happiness in your hearts. For happiness is the theme of 2017 as per Proverbs 17:22 bestows, a happy heart enhances one's brilliance.

If we review George Michael's life, he was happiest when he was with a partner from the West of the planet, and he sung a most beautiful song of how it was like Jesus had saved his soul. MILO is also happy in America, bless him.

I have a funny story to share with you about the doctor on the east side. I was on the east side in a night club and there was an 'accident', I had to be taken to hospital to receive stitches. When it was time for the stitches to be removed from my leg, the doctor put a plaster on it.

I was in my 30's at the time, the left leg festered and the wound opened due to the plaster.  It then left a big scar. It took a long time to find the right solicitor in town, eventually a great solicitor was recommended to yours truly, and together we won the case handsomely. Although at that time I was also living in town on the south side. What the solicitor managed to obtain on my behalf paid for my first car.

How interesting life circumstances can be and how if you keep on it, great rewards can come to be. I do not condone what that doctor did to my leg, as it does have long term consequences. However, if I had known the possible impact of having a doctor on the east side, I would've changed doctors.

I also tried two dentists on the east side too, they were no better than the doctor on the east side. Those dentists were also from the east of the planet in their heritage. Life experience is mighty indeed.

Now I do maintain that Jesus was born in the north of Israel, on Jesses land, (where King David did his courting between the Galilee and Mount Carmel), and scholar Geza Vermes wrote of how the people in the north of Israel dropped their aitches, (just like true Londoner's do, our cockneys) in his book, "Jesus the Jew".

Remember what Jesus said to his followers, to not disclose that which is sacred. Where he was born is indeed sacred land, and that is why his followers kept it hidden, although I was blessed to be divinely guided to that very special location.

Interesting that my son was born on the west side of our location, prior to them moving the maternity home, and the West is also the direction of the peace makers. So it is lovely that a midwife was brought into my life in recent years. Another Reiki Master Teacher, and a wonderful reflexologist.

Happy birthday eastern Church, thank you Russia for ending the war in Syria.

The 7th of January, is the "DAY OF DIFFERENCE", and on the 12th there is a GRAND CROSS being formed by the planets. That is the "DAY OF ADVENTURE". I have to go north again for a neurology appointment before the 12th. Onwards and upwards.

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