
Saturday 7 January 2017


As Julian Assange had enough of Twitter users standing against him and the great work of Wikileaks? Wikileaks have tweeted that they are considering building a Twitter user database.

Americans like "attacking" people don't they, prophecy says that the "attacker" that is symbolic of ESAU, will become "stubble".

Until there comes a time when they're information could be disclosed and made public, silence is compliance, I don't think the Wikileaks team will put up with those Americans and how they behave for much longer. Wikileaks will not remain silent about it's "opponents" and bible prophecy mentions the disclosures that would come into the light of day. Clearly, the 'attackers' information will not remain hidden.

I don't think Donald John Trump will stay silent about his 'attackers'  either, once he becomes President. The First Lady, Melania Trump has also said that she is going to make social media her main focus, due to the impact that it has on the children.

Is it the end of the American 'bullies"? It could be, as this timeline is about people being judged by their words and actions. How people behave impacts upon nations, behaviour can take a nation upwards, or take a nation downwards. So how will you behave in 2017? It reminds me of the transformation of morality mandala and at this point, Julian Assange is still in London.

Planetary wise, a new era began in 2014, and it is not going to stop pushing humanity to improve upon itself, and raise its standards. As I have explained before, it is one thing to share truth about a subject matter, it is quite something else to see the constant "attacks" against individuals.  You can understand a rant against a reality.

However, if people keep on doing it every single day of their lives about the same individual what does that say about them? They're either being paid to do it, like we know that Obama-Clinton operatives were being paid, or they have something very serious to heal within.

People have to understand that once your point is made, it is made, just make sure that it is the truth, for the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping. One thing that we can say about Julian Assange, is that he is very much awake.

Jesus asked his followers how many swords do you have, and they replied two, he then said that was enough. Do you know what the second sword is in relation to truth? If you were given it divinely, then surely you would know, right?

Wikileaks have a huge army of IT people around the world, they are merciful as Julian is merciful, although you can be sure that they won't put up with the continued "attacks" upon the integrity and credibility of Wikileaks and its work.

Wikileaks have already tweeted that Julian Assange is suing CNN, and Sarah Palin has apologised to Julian Assange for what she said about him and the work of Wikileaks.

This is about the truth and upholding it, put your hand up if you speak the truth, at least Sarah did put her hand up and apologise; and it takes a strong character for a public figure to do that. Respect Sarah, respect. The IT community that have worked in many different realities, have helped Wikileaks to bring truth to the world, why don't you?

Perhaps some Americans take it personally, that Julian Assange has been so successful at sharing the truth, if that is the case, then seek within. Wikileaks is a publisher that publishes documentation, that your governments created because people from your country, were not happy about something that America was doing. How and why do you think that you should complain about that? Don't you wish for America to improve itself, or are you one of those people that would like to see America destroyed? There are plenty of Americans that would like to see that happen.

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