
Thursday 5 January 2017


Over the holidays I was looking at the numeric of 17 and how it relates to 2017.  The various ages that have the numeric of 17 in it as in numerics that numeric is also the numeric of the STAR. Do you remember the process and the changes that happened in your life at that time?

How about your relationship with your children when they reached the age of 17? I must admit it was lovely when 17 year olds came onto the Reiki healing training courses, they loved being able to feel the love vibrations, they were so open to it at that age, so open to the power of healing.

Boys and girls equally, in fact the youngest child that I attuned was just 11 years old, bless her. The proviso that I stipulated, is that she had to be accompanied by her mother on the training course. They had such a great time together, it was certainly very powerful for all of us.


You then get the numeric coming in again at the age of 34, 2 x 17, that is often a time when people make changes in their love lives, homes or career. Do you remember what you were doing at the age of 34?

Then you have 3 x 17 that comes around again at the age of 51. It is known that at age 51 people tend to make important changes in their lives too and it is related to planetary configurations.  Especially to do with lifestyles and people do tend to review their lives at the age of 50, and at 51, they put their changes into practice, if and when people are on it. Yes, new life can begin at 50, I always used to say that, I had a great 50th, I celebrated for a week.

It is noted that 2017 is a year to look after your feet and its care. Your feet that you depend upon for the structure of your body, your feet that carries you. So interesting that I have an appointment with a neurologist in January, 2017 for an MRI scan.

It's also a good year for REFLEXOLOGY, a wonderful therapeutic therapy that can give indicators of where you may have some blockages in your body, and what systems you have to be working on with your food nutrients and healing foods. I've had great success with healing foods in the last year, I'm very happy with the progress that my body is making in response to the nurturing that it is receiving.

The divine message that I was given last night while posting in social media, was the word 'UNCERTAINTY', so this is certainly a timeline when people will find that a lot of aspects of life is uncertain, and that makes it very difficult for people to plan their lives.

Apparently, Aquarians are meant to have an easier time of it in 2017, and they manage "Uncertainty", better than most. Us Aquarians thrive on changing realities, it's when they are at their best and rise to its challenges that we face in life.

With the Saturn Square Chiron in 2017, we're really looking at structure within and outside of ourselves. Over the holidays I was reviewing 'Commitment", in my life and a friend also spoke of how Saturn is also about commitment.

Did you make time over the holidays to review where you are and review your commitments? Are you committed to your own health, or are you allowing life circumstances to take you away from it? Are your children still young, so that your commitment has to be providing for them? Or have you moved beyond the age whereby you have a commitment to the child that you bore, because they are now an adult responsible for themselves?


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia 

The fixed signs don't like 'Uncertainty', that is another reason why there was such a backlash over BREXIT and Donald John Trump winning the election. Although some people like "uncertainty" as it can be full of lovely surprises and new adventures. What fun would there be if you knew absolutely, about every single thing that was going to happen now and in the future? I like surprises do you?

So for instance I overcome my recent surgery much better than I thought I would, so a big pat on the back for this healer. I was fully prepared for what was to come to be. I had everything that I required, my Reiki in my radiant healing hands, my rose water, my aromatherapy oils, rescue remedy flower essences, the correct food and nutrients, and divine guidance to go with it. Yes, eat those olives for your Vit E, to boost the collagen that helps the skin to heal.

Two healers were also close to me, and I had some wonderful nurses and surgeon. I could definitely feel the healing that was being sent to me on the night of the 16th of December, so thank you everyone. I even saw a huge pillar of light standing on my left while I was in hospital and a blue healing light in front of me.


A great quote for this year from the bible is "A happy heart enhances one's brilliance" Proverbs 17:22 and Nigel Farage is definitely brilliant. Nigel Farage is very happy that the EU Ambassador has been forced out of office. See uncertainty can be very positive, it really depends how much integrity that you have and this is certainly a time when integrity is being looked at in a big way. Rule Britannia, be masters of yourselves and the realities that impact upon you and your lives.

For miracles come to be when you live in integrity, purest intentions, with the utmost attention. So consider this are you giving your utmost attention to the priorities in your life, or are you just drifting with the waves? How do you choose to decide upon what your priorities are? Everyday, I decide what my priority of the day is, I live each day at a time. Sometimes people try to rearrange my priorities for me, but I have to dig my heels in and stay on course. Nigel Farage has definitely stayed on course, bless him, defending our nation, its liberty, justice and democracy.


Original painting gifted 

"A HAPPY HEART ENHANCES ONE'S BRILLIANCE" let that be our theme for 2017 as in February I will be moving into a 9 year in my life cycle, and 9 is also about completion and divine love. Even after surgery my heart was happy it was over, now I could laugh about it, in fact, we laughed and joked before and after surgery. A divine operation it was, I kept my friend laughing, sometimes I am funny, I laugh at myself often. Can you laugh at yourself? It's great medicine.

Interesting that the Gospel of Thomas text mentions the word "Happy", more than any other biblical text. Clearly, Jesus knew the importance of it and its alignment with Proverbs 17.

The book of Revelation also mentions the word "BRILLIANCE" so have a brilliant 2017, as our Julian Assange plans on bringing forth more disclosures that he says will blow yours minds away.

How happy can you be in 2017? How much joy in life can you live? Have you experienced the first heaven of the happiness within? Did you live it, and can you even contemplate the amount of effort that is required in the healing process to attain it? I was certainly happy at the age of 51, in fact prior to that I had written a whole manuscript about happiness and how I attained it within.

What else happened, oh yes, those lovely divine meditations for healing. Age 51 was really brilliant for yours truly, a brilliant age to be on the spiritual journey, so I hope that it is for you too. That year in the sunshine of Australia in my mid 40's did me the world of good. It definitely had a great impact on my health and enhancing it, it was great preparation for what was coming. My bones are strong, my structure is strong and that is a great blessing in life.

Once you have stepped on the healing path, how truly awesome it is. Onwards and upwards I used to say to everyone, divine love has manifested on the earth plane and the 21st century was born in wisdom.

"Is any among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise". James 5:13

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