
Saturday 14 January 2017



More Liberal Democrat "assault", "violence", "shoving", "spitting", against other Americans, that included a BREITBART cameraman, that had peacefully congregated for a MILO lecture.

In this video an Iranian immigrant from the university stood in defence of freedom of speech and MILO. He shares with us that it was only after the chancellor had sent out an email warning everyone about the planned protest, that he decided to go to the event. He also explains why in this video.

God bless to the young Iranian, thank you for sharing your truth. Lemon zest!

In the UK, you have to have a license from the police for a mass protest, to ensure that there is enough police to ensure that everyone is safe. As we have seen in recent months, many Americans do not protest peacefully, as such, there should be increased security, and something should be done on campuses to stop such behaviour that is intended to get an event cancelled. 

That is their goal, cancellation of the lecture, and to close down freedom of speech. I hope their parents saw what they were doing on camera, and those that fund their university degree courses. I think Piers Morgan was correct, that the Liberals "have lost their minds". 

Another person's feedback that had hoped to go to the lecture.

I'm sure that Milo's book publisher will have something to say about it, and so will BREITBART and MILO himself. The more they stand against Milo the more famous they make him. 

MILO will be marching to the university today to protest the cancellation of his lecture, the live stream is about to begin.

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