
Saturday 14 January 2017

Journalist Iben Thranholm Speaks Up

What Clinton and the Democrats have proven is that they tried to squash freedom of speech with their PC agenda in America. However, the same thing as been happening in Europe, and when I first stepped on the internet, I did my utmost to defend those that others wished to silence. For silence is compliance, and we do not comply with Islam, not now, and not in the future.

Today in the news is a Danish journalist that has been put on an EU list due to her expressing her freedom of speech, speaking up about the Islamic immigration that is co-creating "cultural genocide".

If anyone says anything about Islam now, they're being "accused of pushing the Kremlin narrative".

Simply put, journalists are not allowed to say what is on their minds, report the facts, for if you do, you are then accused of working for the Russians. The thing is that most people in Europe like the Russians, we are not afraid of Putin or the Russian people. However, that doesn't mean that our European journalists that are willing to speak the truth to defend their countries, have anything to do with Russia at all.

Journalists defending their nations, as nothing to do with Russia. People defending their countries, has nothing to do with Russia. Patriots are patriots that are defending their nations, people standing up to the globalisation.

I like the Danish, all the Danes that I've ever met, have always been lovely. The last Danish man that I met was while I was in Israel in 2006. He was sharing how the Danish government sent him and other people with serious skin conditions, to Israel for a month at a time for health reasons. We met at Ein Gedi. Danish health is clearly much kinder, than the British government has been to our people.

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