
Sunday 15 January 2017


Maybe I will publish the prayer that I received while I was in Israel, a prayer of blessing that was given for the Sea of Galilee and Israel. An Israeli asked me to write it down for her, and I did as she asked. She asked and was duly given, the divine instructions that I had received. I still have it written in my journal. I always took a little booklet with me on every journey, to write in it the messages received on the journey. 

On the 2nd of February, 2017, = 22.20.17, completion of the Master 22 timeline.  Moving forward on a different plane of existence, as I move into the 23 energies, having been on the planet physically for 23,000 days on that date. 16 days to go! 

This link says that the 23,144th verse in the Bible (KJV, is the penultimate verse in the Tanakh. 

"Behold I will send you ELIJAH the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD". Mal 4:5 verse 23,144.

What's for dinner? Some Ratatouille, without the peppers, as they do tend to repeat on me. So I have included some courgette, aubergine, garlic, onion, tomatoes, fennel, basil, and dill. A sprinkle of rock salt, a sprinkle of black pepper, and a sliced green chilli. Cooked in virgin olive oil, plenty of it, and while cooking added some water to keep some fluid in it.

I will probably have it with some cous cous that I have in the fridge. For afters I have some more yoghurt, have to have my yoghurt twice a day for the next month, to see if it makes any improvement. I began my day with yogurt, then for lunch, and afternoon, been eating goats cheese today, in sandwiches, with mango pickle, as that is what I fancied, and Sophia used to say, "A little of what you fancy does you good". I really did fancy something cooked this evening. 

Also planning to make some soup, as I have to cook up some potatoes, carrots and celery. 

I have plenty of oil in stock, virgin olive oil, hemp oil, rice bran oil, groundnut oil, palm oil, and coconut oil, so it is definitely going to be a cooking time.

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