
Saturday 28 January 2017


I am only posting this video because I like the first graphic for the fire rooster, as it looks like the phoenix rising from the ashes in 2017. As we know, it is also new moon, and it is also about friendships due to it being on an Aquarius 9.

Completion and divine love in manifestation on the earth plane.

A great aspect of the Aquarians is how important their friendships are too them. Some say they belong to everyone and not to one individual, for their love burns brightly when it is allowed to shine. As Jesus said, 'You are the light of the world'.

The great thing about the Aquarian female water bearers is that they have the ability to pour water on any man made fire.  It is fire YIN energy, so strongly with the feminine instincts, and feminine energies that are often described as truly compassionate. Passionate Yin energy for everything that helps humanity and that can be found in both men and women. Hence the pro-life march with the Vice President of America, his wife, and Kelly Anne, caring fully for women, children and the continuance of life.

No surprise then that this comes at a time when there is a new president in America, and there are elections in Europe this year. Can you view it that Europe and Western civilisation are arising from the ashes of its own co-creation?

I was born in the year of the horse, so it is a good year for horses, and Trump was born in the year of the dog, and so was Milo, so it is an auspicious year for both of them. It should also be an auspicious year for my son too, another one born in the year of the dog, and it's also his birthday, a double Aquarian. Best birthday wishes wherever he maybe, and to whomever he is with. Freedom is the key word for Aquarians and spiritual freedom is so important.

Happy Chinese New Year, in the UK, we have the biggest celebration in Europe, so not surprising really that Theresa May chose this time to be in America to meet President Trump talking about relationships between our two countries and its friendships.

I must admit I wasn't impressed with the press conference (viewed on youtube) and the BBC, the journalists really do have to raise their standards, if they wish to increase their ratings.

2017 will be a positive year for those that take note of it, and act upon it in a positive way.

So what's cooking so far this weekend? I can feel the OLIVE PINKY dip really starting to impact upon my body, I had amazing tingles in my legs this evening, after I had eaten some with celery leaves, Greek Feta Cheese, and some potato salad, with some herring that had been marinated in mustard. Also on the menu this night is a coconut, celery and potato soup.

Other fruit of the day was a banana, and I am also considering making a fruit salad.

Potatoes are also cooked to be put into some green lentil and red kidney, chilli burgers tomorrow, I appear to have my appetite back again. Although it would be great to have some sate over the weekend with some rice. As a special Chinese New Year treat.

Onwards and upwards, have a lovely time this weekend, rest and enjoy the rest of the year.  Don't forget your healing foods, your medicine bowl, your buddha bowl. It truly is activated now, and remember that you have a bowl within your own bodies, so what will you put inside that bowl for your healing? Did you find the holy grail?

I always used to have a bowl of rice with me, it was symbolic of prosperity and fertility for the students and it had been divinely instructed. My little blue and white rice bowl. Interesting that in different cultures they also had a wooden bowl and it includes the native Americans. I still have mum's large wooden bowl, and it has a real coconut in it, gifted by a friend. How time passes so quickly, since the last year of the rooster.

Make every moment of your life important, treasure every day, make sure you live it in a way that is productive for you and your life, whether it is spiritually lived or not. Give people respect, for each have their own journey to comprehend and the reasons for this life, for the meaning of life is to find out the meaning of life. As Jesus said, "small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it". Matthew 7:14

As scripture spoke of it, one became a thousand healers. Really amazing how things came to be, from the prophecies, I know they are all blessed exactly as the scriptures spoke of it. Always in my heart.

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