
Saturday 28 January 2017


The lovely Omarosa shares her story of where she came from, what happened in her life and to her family, and what she has gone on to become. She's not an apprentice anymore with the job in the White House in the Trump administration. 

Meet the classy Omarosa, and how she responds to the Obama-Clinton liberals with her truth. It was a brilliant finish too, congratulations Omarosa, on announcing your wedding in April. I'm sure it will be as wonderful as you. 

Omarosa wins, and when she wins, Trump and America wins too. Never "underestimate" a business man like Trump, he knows what is worth fighting for, and so does Omarosa. He knows talent when he sees it, and he knows how to nurture it, and get the best from it to help America for all Americans. 

Omarosa gave thanks to her mother and to Trump that has been a friend for a long time. 


Omarosa, the woman has been through so much, had to be strong to overcome and be victorious. 

Strong in heart, mind and Spirit. Boldness and confidence, a brave soul, courageous. "A happy heart enhances one's brilliance" Proverbs 17:22 

God bless her and all that she does in word, thought and deed, its a new era for America.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that this post brings forth Aretha Franklin songs and on the day of her passing - Omarosa is running rampage with her tapes: I'm sure that Trump had high hopes for Omarosa and this mentions the "win" because every time anyone attacks DJT it usually backfires upon them big time! Omarosa is clearly "Unhinged" by numerous sackings from the White House - a political career now blown out of the water by her own hands! Even the British Liberal Media are slating the book that has been published" And Piers Morgan shared with Tucker what Omarosa offered him to win the "apprentice"!

    Omarosa the "die hard Liberal Democrat" and Clinton supporter - thinks she is a match for President Trump - the American government and all of it's supporters! Whoever put that idea into her head - perhaps it was the Obama's that have been talking about the "Power of Fear" the thing is that Trumps supporters are not afraid of Omarosa or the Obama's! It's just that hope for her was dashed by her being "unhinged" and I anticipate that she will be arrested for breaking the law! Time for Omarosa to learn about boundaries and what is legal and what is not! She seems to think that the godly would support her actions - oh no Omarosa - you are on your own!
