
Friday 27 January 2017

WHITE EAGLE Aquarius 9

On the 25th I received a powerful dream, on the 26th while bathing I was shown a black door, and at the base of the door, I saw a bird, at first it looked like an eagle, then it looked like a white owl. Like a light at the door.

The 26th of January, was the "Day of Self-belief", and 27/28th, (depending where you are in the world) is the new moon in Aquarius, my sun sign. Key word being freedom, spiritual freedom and spiritual independence. The sun sign of the humanitarians.

The 27th is the "Day of Tumultuous Energy", and the 28th is the "Day of Outstanding Achievement".

The owl has incredible vision, hearing, and moves silently, it has powerful flight, the bird of goddesses down the ages and as we know it is a bird of the night. The Israeli farmers have discovered that the owls are quite incredible in helping their farmers to increase their yields.

Aquarius being the water bearer, I am not surprised that "Standing Rock" and the pipeline, is something that people are standing to defend. Water is life, water is sacred. Since the 90's, I have had two busts with me, two native Americans, a young woman and a man, it is symbolic of the fact that the indigenous people are always in my heart.

Those little busts travelled with me on tour, and have sat in my healing room for many years. That room is newly white, and Spirit blessed my walls of salvation with Hebrew symbols, I was also given a name for the room.

So why do I mention this at this time?

There has been so much discussion in America about "busts", from the discussion over the Winston Churchill bust, to the bust of Martin Luther King. Yet, where are the busts that honour the indigenous population, and where are their civil human rights?

There are some people, some Liberal immigrants in America that would like to invite immigrants from anywhere and everywhere, yet when will they honour their own first nation of people? If America is to be great, then it must be great for the indigenous people, the natives. If America is to come first, then the first nation must come first. For as Jesus said, the meek shall inherit the earth.

There is such a thing as an eagle owl, although its head looks more like a cat owl, what do you think?

New moons are a time of new beginnings, and new opportunities, doorways that can open if you are focused on your intentions.

The bird that I saw had landed, it wasn't in flight, and it was having a look around. The whiteness of its feathers were like a light against the black door. Remember the bird is watchful, at this time of many talks, many are on a rite of passage, that brings major changes for humanity. So just be peaceful, and stay in your hearts of love, it is a time to be quiet and listen to the birds.

Be watchful, and look all around you, because there are white feathers at the door.

How is White Eagle? We hear your call.

Interesting that the visits from the French since this blog began, has nearly gone higher than the visits from America. In a month from now at this rate, the French will be the highest number of visitors on this blog. The visits from France have soared in the last year.

So let's have some French on "Sustainable France" much more appropriate to listen to Le Pen, than it is to listen to the globalist Theresa May.

Eagles were once widespread in Europe and now they face extinction due to the way that humanity is living, and the impact that has on their natural habitat.

For the spiritually discerning British, if you are interested in a job working at a spiritual centre, there are two jobs on offer at White Eagle Lodge. They are looking for a Housekeeper and a Vegetarian Cook.

Applications have to be in by the 10th of February, 2017, and interviews are being held on my birthday, the 13th. Ideal for a husband and wife, or mother and daughter that have spiritual interests.

Although it is open to individuals.

More on this forthcoming new moon from Robert, if you are interested in the planetary energies.

Part 1

Part 2



And what's on the menu? Still boosting the Vit E for the collagen, so we are still on it with the olives and olive dip, although I made a pinky dip last night. Large green olives, 1 clove of garlic (due to the strength of taste of the olives), a tomato, 2 red chilli's, a carton of chick peas, Virgin olive oil. All in the blender together with half a lemon, of lemon juice. Then topped with some paprika.  I've called it my pinky dip due to the colour, and due to the fact, there are so many women wearing pink at this time.

The pinky dip is lovely in a sandwich with a smoked herring, on its own with some pitta bread, or with some lovely Greek Feta Cheese. Really great for the collagen boosting, and I have to follow orders. So still eating my yogurt twice a day, although in February, I might increase it to three times a day, due to its powerful  impact upon the brain.

Did you see the article that I posted the other day on the scientific study that they've done at Cambridge, on the folds of the brain, and how they can tell whether a person is naturally creative, curious with an open personality? Aquarians are definitely open, like an open book, and sometimes they can be too honest for their own good, often very blunt and straight to the point.

Hence why they are ideal for the creative industry representing clients due to their directness, and integrity.  Aquarians don't beat around the bush, they roll their sleeves up and get on with whatever challenges life presents us with, and we certainly don't make a drama out of a crisis. The older we are, the more mellow we are, although we can be perfectionists in our careers.

Aquarians don't like moving forward with anything unless they are absolutely certain of their position, and that impacts on all areas of their lives. Patience of a saint, in some circumstances they're willing to persevere for years for fruition, especially when they know that it is right in the heart.

Aquarians are aware of the importance of being in the right place at the right time, especially in their work lives, and they're usually years ahead of their contemporaries and or competitors; and that can create difficulties in friendships and with workmates. It's rare to find people that truly understand the Aquarian water bearers. Some have written that you can only reach Aquarians in the future. So the moves that you make now, will certainly impact upon that.

Interesting that this forthcoming new moon is at 9 degrees. 9 the numeric of divine love and completion and in February, my 9 year in my life cycle begins again.

So why the vision of the bird? Oh yes, it is Chinese New Year on the 28th of January, 2017.

So have a great weekend, it is for healing, so have a bowl of healing food, you could treat yourself to some moxibustion and massage too.

Quan Yin Soup

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